i7 8700k vs i5 8600k

Mar 19, 2018
so i am purchasing my new pc part for part (yes i know, i picked a wrong time to buy one part for part) and i have every single part i need besides the gpu and cpu. i was originally going to go for the i5 8600k because it is $100 less than the 8700k and has very little decrease in performance. but now that i'm almost done with the build, i'm not sure if i should stick with the 8600k or just say whatever and buy the 8700k for $100 more. is the $100 worth the extra 6 threads and little increase in performance? you guys are my budgeters now, all trust in you.
What are you planing to with it? If its just gaming, netflix, and surfing the internet go with the 8600k and put an OC on it. If you plan on doing other things like streaming video editing or other heavy multitasking things go with the 8700k.
it was specifically gonna be for gaming and college but now it's probably gonna be all that but more intense gaming and probably recording and video editing. i've heard such things that the 8600k is THE gaming cpu but in a lot of reviews and benchmarks the 8700k does less fps but with a lot less cpu usage and less heat. so i guess for rn i should just go with the 8600k but maybe upgrade to the 8700k later on. but then that wouldn't be too much of an upgrade soooo idk
I bought the i5-6600 when skylake came out with a Z motherboard. Recently upgraded to i7-6700K. I can't tell you if there is a difference in games because I only starting playing again once I got a 4K monitor. NFS payback maxes out GPU but CPU only gets to half. Buy the best build you can afford.