I7 875k or 920?


Jan 10, 2008
Here's the situation; I have an 4years old comp, that I am about to update!
I am gonna keep these hardwares:
barracuda 7200.11 500gb
radeon 6850
and all the other various stuffs..

Here is what I will be needing;

so I have that friend that has the 2 cited CPU that he would be willing to sell me for a GOOD price
he also has some RAM DDR3 1600 but he don't remember which amount and he might have some other too

the 875k is "unlocked" socket 1156
920k is basic, socket 1366

as I am really outdated, I am asking this community advices! Which cpu would you recommand?
I am all about best bang for my buck!

also, if you have any suggestion for mobo, please feel free to share!!

I have no idea how old these cpu are... or how much they're actually worth...
I guess I am looking for something avg, that would be able to run these things, and like I said, I change my comp every 3-4years!

I HATE overkill
I want a mobo that will be able to run these with some good RAM, nothing more

I would say I would buy a mobo that is worth about as much or a bit more than the CPU, and for the RAM, I wan't something that will run good (a bit more than avg), nothing overkill tho

My friend is gonna tell me how much he is going to be selling me these cpu but I already know his price is gonna be much lower than market price
What? The "best bang for my buck" guy says price really doesn't matter?
DDR2 is more expensive than DDR3. 1156 MBs are less expensive than 1366 MBs.

And, depending on the prices of CPUs you're looking at, something other than 875K/920 might end up being "best bang for my buck"
the 1366 processor is better than the1156. they were designed to be server grade, and got adopted by gamers and enthusiasts. The 875 is ok. with 1366 youll want the tri channel memory...3 sticks per bank. at one time thought about updating my system from 920 to a sandy bride, but not enough of a performance difference to justify my cost...running on an x58 mb...gigabyte variety...no complaints.
I would go with 920...
I know that 1366 based motherboards would be more expensive than 1156, but than 1366 gives you 2x16 PCIe instead of 2x8 PCIe; also triple channel DDR3 for nice memory bandwidth...

but only one note: 920 is power hungry... 😉
WOW... he's selling an 875k AND a 920 (both of which are worth quite a lot and performs extremely well [oc'd is comparable to a sandy bridge cpu]) for $50?!?!

Shites! Buy both of em and sell one of em (i rec' the 875k) and put the $200+ you get into whatever. That's a steal right there even though it's an not the latest... both are still workhorses and powerful enough to do anything you want really.

P.S. iirc, when i get my 920 back in 09... it was worth $270 something... probably be worth around $200 by now for a used one.

$50 bucks is teh sex. im rocking 920 C0 stepping at 3.6ghz. rock solid for 2+ years and little to no bottleneck of my 7970.
so the 875k doesn't have triple channel enabled?

I don't want the best... I just want to be able to play BF3 !!!!!!! 😛
Right now, I am playin on a dual core E8400 oced 4.2ghz... 2x2gb DDR2 1000mhz
so this will be quite an upgrade for very few money right?

875k pros would be, easy OC, less expensiv mobo? what mobo would you recommand?
cons would be RAM?

920k pros would be good RAM, better speed?
cons, more expensive mobo,? what mobo would you recommand for that one?

and what about the RAM? I am a bit confused... I thought every DDR3 was triple channel..
isn't 2.66mhz slow?? I am used to 4.2ghz...
kindo sucks 875k is better but doesn't have triple channel 🙁

920 only have 1066mhz max RAM speed....

are these things really worth it for gaming ? BF3

if u leave the 920 at 2.66 it does seem slow but the beauty of the chip is the ability to clock really well. ram speed is limited to what your 920 clock speed is set at. at default it will be 1066mhz... here is an article to read about ram:


as the article states:

"Turning up the base clock allows for faster memory speeds, and given that the 920's memory bus multipliers are limited to 6X or 8X, you'll actually need DIMMs capable of running at faster than 1066MHz if you intend to push the base clock above 178MHz. Whether it's worth springing for DDR3-1600 modules over more affordable DDR3-1333 DIMMs will depend entirely on the applications you use and just how high you intend to push the base clock. You'll need to reach at least 200MHz to run 1600MHz DIMMs at full speed..."

bare in mind the article is getting to be nearly 4 years old and ram has gotten to be so cheap that buying a pack of 3 2GB sticks is around 32 bucks. u just need the right board and some good bios settings...
@ $50 it's a pretty good bargain - especially if its a D0 stepping with OC potential around ~3.8~4.0Ghz IRC.

A Core i5-2500K would give you 4.5Ghz or closer to what a ~4.8~5.0 Ghz Core i7-920 would need to match it.

--> Since you need a MB & RAM anyway no matter what CPU you end up with..
For the CPU you're looking at $50 for a i7-920 or $220 for a Core i5-2500K
My gigabyte x58 ud3r (rev 2) automatically bumped mine up to 2.8
most ram is dual channel, there is tri channel. For the 1366 you want tri channel, I'm using 1600 in mine (adjust manually in bios). I have put together systems with both chips, and the 920 outperformed the 875.
Tx a lot all of you for all this precious information... I am pretty decent at OCing, and used to the old DDr2 systems where you needed to make sure RAM, FSB and multipliers were in a 1:1 Ratio! From the few I know, it's much simplier nowadays right?

So basically, get the cheap 920 cpu, get some mobo that can enable tri channel, and something up to 1600Mhz
OC to 200mhz ONLY? (that looks so low to me haha... Im used to e8400)
toss in 3x4gb DDR3 Ram 1600Mhz, stir with new OS and enjoy?

Will I be able to to OC that much on air? I have pretty good fans in my case, and good case

you recommand x58 for mobo?
A normal D0 920 can overclock to a 4.0ghz easily. C0 usually get to around 3.6-3.8ghz which should be comparable to a sandy bridge CPU easily. Back then, i looked at Asus p6t x58 mobos and gigabyte ones but they're kinda getting hard to find...

DDR3 -1333mhz ram is good enough (1600 has negligible gains) + a new OS and you're good to go. Not the latest but still kicking it hard and only slightly slower than a new sandy bridge (cheaper too).