I7 920 vs amd 720


Apr 5, 2009
Hi There

I am looking to build a gaming rig and need you advice

If i am using comparable motherboards and other components, would the extra £200 needed to get and i7 build be really worth the extra money over the 720 amd oc

in my opinion you should get the i7 if you had much money atleast 1200£ but if you are on a budget it would be better to get the 720 oc and put the £200 on the video card this would be helpful for example

i7 920+gts 250 or gtx 260 would easily be beaten in gaming by a Amd phenom II 720+gtx 295 or 4870x2 because the gts 250 or gtx 260 will bottleneck your i7 920


As far as gaming goes, no there is no reason to spend the extra money. Use the $200 savings for a better monitor and/or GPU for the best gaming experience.
I put it to you this way. On CPU intensive tasks the i7 920 will clobber the X3 720, now if you are just looking at keeping this rig for a short time and only gaming then you are better off getting a better GPU, but just remember newer games are now coming out that will take advantage of more cores and from reviews out on the net the i7 is a monster of a chip that will assure that the CPU will not be your bottleneck, or better yet get a Xbox360 or PS3 console 😉
An OC'd 720 BE will not bottleneck your games for a long time to come. The biggest bottleneck in games is almost always the GPU, unless you play GTAIV which is a poorly optimized multithreaded game
Well if were talking about OC then either 720be or e8400 will do. Pick your poison...I still say buy a console.
Best way to go would be through the middle with a GTX 275 and AMD 955 BE, you'll get the Quad for future games and more CPU intensive tasks and the GTX 275 which you could OC and get another one later which would be more powerful than a GTX 295.