[SOLVED] i9-9900k without cooling

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Mar 24, 2020
So, I'm a new PC builder, and I got my build setup, except for my CPU cooling, graphics card, & thermal paste. I've been running it for a few days with light use (just browsers, one attempt to run photoshop). Should I be concerned that I am damaging my CPU? I have my CPU cooler on the way, but I had it running with a normal temp of just under 100 degrees for several days. Please advise, if I destroyed my CPU'd performance, I'd want to get a replacement.
I would highly recommend not using the CPU without a propoer cooler. Not only will you get severely limited performance due to thermal throttling, but more importantly, running a CPU at that kind of temperatures, will hurt it's expected lifespan considerably if you continue to do so.

To be honest, I'm a bit surpised it is even possible to run a 9900K without a cooler, I must admit I learned somthing new today, although a bit unexpected with regards to the issue
Turn it off and don't turn on until cpu cooler has been installed.
You're going to ruin your $500 cpu and motherboard.
Yeah, I did that as soon as I realized that was an issue.

When you installed the cooler you can download programs to check your temps and speeds and can do a stress test if CPU works fine good speeds and temps are fine then your CPU is not damaged but I can't say anything going to be fine or not fine because you spent days with powerful CPU without a cooler!
Ok. I will test it out and update you all. I just assumed thermal throttling would do the trick. Whoops.

I would highly recommend not using the CPU without a propoer cooler. Not only will you get severely limited performance due to thermal throttling, but more importantly, running a CPU at that kind of temperatures, will hurt it's expected lifespan considerably if you continue.

To be honest, I'm a bit surpised it is even possible, so I learned somthing new today
Yeah, I will wait till I get my cooler.
Ok. How do I go about testing that?
You can't test it, but you've probably damaged it. It's called 'degradation' and what that means is your CPU would need a higher voltage than previously to be stable at a given clock speed. You've probably burned off some of it's overclocking headroom. Keep it up and it won't even be stable at stock speeds at stock voltages.
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To be honest, I'm a bit surpised it is even possible to run a 9900K without a cooler, I must admit I learned somthing new today, although a bit unexpected with regards to the issue

I don't know Intel CPU's...but it's probably bouncing off of protection at Tjmax. That's what a Ryzen would do and it would only do that if temperature doesn't bloom so high, so fast it can't catch it. To as high as 115C when it would just shut down.
I don't know Intel CPU's...but it's probably bouncing off of protection at Tjmax. That's what a Ryzen would do and it would only do that if temperature doesn't bloom so high, so fast it can't catch it. To as high as 115C when it would just shut down.

Yes, that is also what I would think, although in my personal experince with Intel CPUs, the system would eventually completely shutdown if the 100'c or more, temperatures are not dealt with.

There are settings in BIOS which enables you to raise or completely remove the upper temperature limit, before auto shutdown.

But my personal experience doesn't mean much in the bigger picture, so just because I've usually experienced a different outcome, I don't exactly consider OPs situation as being strange or impossible - I'm just feeling a mix of surprise and almost somekind of being impressed as well

I would be less surprised if it was a low TDP CPU, it is the fact that it is a 9900K, that surpises me considering it generally runs a bit hot

But fortunately my experience with overheating issues is fairly limited, as I usually don't encounter CPU temperature issues with the systems I build, it has primarely been in relation to when I was spending a lot of time overclocking
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I'm just feeling a mix of surprise and almost somekind of being impressed as well
I have recollection of a video that made the rounds back in the day. It was an AMD Thunderbird processor, as I recall, that was powered on with no heatsink on it. TB's, if you recall, were 'bare die', no heat spreader. The die started smoking within 15 or 20 seconds then cracked and split open. No protections at all in those days, I'm not sure it even shut down.

Now, there's going around video of someone actually frying a tiny slice of Kobe steak on an FX-8350. Funny. Of course, it could be faked but...funny still :)
I have recollection of a video that made the rounds back in the day. It was an AMD Thunderbird processor, as I recall, that was powered on with no heatsink on it. TB's, if you recall, were 'bare die', no heat spreader. The die started smoking within 15 or 20 seconds then cracked and split open. No protections at all in those days, I'm not sure it even shut down.

Now, there's going around video of someone actually frying a tiny slice of Kobe steak on an FX-8350. Funny. Of course, it could be faked but...funny still :)

I've seen all sorts of unusual experiments with CPUs with no cooler, or other perculiar mods - it can be quite entertaing sometimes. I mostly remember AMD CPUs being the primary target for a bit of ridicule because they ran very hot back in the days, and at the time still hadn't implemented any thermal protection feautres for their CPUs.

Although not a big consideration at the time, one of my actual reasons to buy my first Intel CPU, was partially based on the fact that Intel CPU would shut down before suffering catastrophic failure due to excessive heat, unlike AMD. Since I had just recently become interested in overclocking, the extra safety feature seemed appealing.

But it wasn't the big deciding factor that made me choose Intel, there were many other reasons - but I still smile a bit, when I remember that a feature like that was completely new, and something which was a feature to consider when buying a CPU.

But AMD had a disatrous reputation at the time, and that proved to be the ultimate reason for chosing Intel.

So I have definately seen a lot of weird things through the years, but somehow I just thought to myself, for no actual reason really, that a CPU with a reasonably high power draw like the 9900K would prove to be beyond what's possible, without the system shutting down automatically.

But since I've had a fairly uneventful day, reading this thread is probably what I will store somewhere in my memory
I have recollection of a video that made the rounds back in the day. It was an AMD Thunderbird processor, as I recall, that was powered on with no heatsink on it. TB's, if you recall, were 'bare die', no heat spreader. The die started smoking within 15 or 20 seconds then cracked and split open. No protections at all in those days, I'm not sure it even shut down.

Now, there's going around video of someone actually frying a tiny slice of Kobe steak on an FX-8350. Funny. Of course, it could be faked but...funny still :)
The Athlon 2400 would fry in a fraction of a second
If the temp was floating just below 100 it was likely downclocking hard to keep from burning out.

I'd wager you took years off the life of that cpu and are lucky you didn't burn it out. Probably in a cool room, maybe your system has some fans blowing across it. Dumb luck really, usually they just shut down.
If the temp was floating just below 100 it was likely downclocking hard to keep from burning out.

I'd wager you took years off the life of that cpu and are lucky you didn't burn it out. Probably in a cool room, maybe your system has some fans blowing across it. Dumb luck really, usually they just shut down.
I think he should return it and get a replacement just say it was BSOD. I know this isnt honest but i feel sorry for this guy.
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