
Dec 31, 2007
I'm going to get dual 30 gigabyte 75gxp IBM drives and am having trouble finding the right one. The store I am going to by from, Compuplus, has a model that isn't in IBM's database, but is in Buy.com's. Buy.com also has the drive that is from IBM's website, and seems to be identical (75gxp, 30 gig, ata 100 etc). I'm trying to find the difference between the two from BUy.com, and then verify that the one from Compuplus isn't an old model or something. Also, I have a KT7-RAID board, and do I need to get one of those special ata cards or will these run just linking em up to each other and then to the board? Thanks for your help.




sorry I don't know how to make these links.


Dec 31, 2007
Hey Jabber..
Those ARE the same hard drives. The only difference is that the cheaper ones (from buy and compuplus) are OEM. Which just means that they aren't sold in a retail box. They might not even come with a IDE cable either. The more expensive one at Buy.com is a retail version. You can check the manufacturers model # on both cheaper ones. They are the same. The retail one is different because it's sold differently. I hope this helps you out. By the way, I've just installed a 45 gig 75XP ata100 in my new system. It's a good drive and very fast and quiet. Mine came in a anti-static bag with no cable, but it did carry the full warranty from IBM. I was a little concerned too, because the model number didn't say 75Gxp either, but it's the same drive..it's just the OEM model. Here's a link from the place I bought mine. The 45 gig drive has dropped 4 dollars since I bought mine last week. You could also check pricewatch.com.. I hope this helps.


I can't help with the drive differences because I don't know. I can answer your other question. You don't need to "connect the drives" and then connect them to the KT7. Both drives connect directly to the motherboard and the onboard controller joins them. You can find instructions for doing this at:

<A HREF="http://www.apushardware.com/?action=articles&id=22" target="_new">http://www.apushardware.com/?action=articles&id=22</A>

There's also a KT7 FAQ by the same guy, I think, at:

<A HREF="http://go.to/kt7faq" target="_new">http://go.to/kt7faq</A>

BTW, if you click the <font color=blue>blue</font color=blue> text that says "markup in your posts," you'll find and explanation on how to make your typed URLs into a link, change the text attributes, etc.
