[citation][nom]cookoy[/nom]With billions spent in R&D and a huge hoard of patents, i rarely see any news about ibm suing anybody or extorting licensing fees. Promoting someone from within the ranks to top honcho will probably boost loyalty and morale too.[/citation]
Plenty of companies have lots of patents, but in the case of IBM they actually invented them rather than buying them up. No one would dare challenge IBM in court over who invented what because it would be the biggest one sided fight since Mike Tyson vs Pee Wee Herman.
Apple may be currently viewed as the most valuable tech company in the world, but a lot of that is based on share price as its products get a lot of public exposure.
IBM has been around 100 years and will still be around 100 years after Apple has disappeared, because they are the best in the world at playing the long-game.