IBM officially kills off OS/2, finally



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IBM to officially discontinue all support of OS/2 by December of 2006,
encourages remaining userbase switch to Linux.

.... and I thought the remaining OS/2 userbase, besides large
corporations, equaled the number of fingers on one's hand:)
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Silly me, I thought this had already happened 10 years ago. 🙂

Yousuf Khan
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On Fri, 15 Jul 2005 16:40:58 -0700, YKhan wrote:

> Silly me, I thought this had already happened 10 years ago. 🙂

Yes, silly you.

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YKhan wrote:
> Silly me, I thought this had already happened 10 years ago. 🙂

Yes, silly you. IBM stopped selling and supporting OS/2 in the
retail channel a few years ago, but they've had outstanding
support for it for businesses.

I used it as my primary OS at home until about 3 years ago,
multi-booting with NT4 and W2K. It finally got wiped only a few
months ago when I wanted to free up a partition to try out the
XP-64 beta.
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In article <>,
YKhan <> wrote:
>Silly me, I thought this had already happened 10 years ago. 🙂

It's not official until Netcraft confirms it, though. 🙂

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In article <>, lyon_wonder
<> writes

>IBM to officially discontinue all support of OS/2 by December of 2006,

I thought some of the major banks still relied on OS/2.

>encourages remaining userbase switch to Linux.

Many cash machines certainly used to run OS/2. You could tell when the
banks started migrating them to Windows - they began blue-screening.
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On Fri, 15 Jul 2005 15:48:01 -0500, lyon_wonder wrote:

> IBM to officially discontinue all support of OS/2 by December of 2006,
> encourages remaining userbase switch to Linux.
> ... and I thought the remaining OS/2 userbase, besides large
> corporations, equaled the number of fingers on one's hand:)

Ok Yousuf, what exactly do you think the 'B' in IBM means? Get with the
program! Sheesh, you never got the message? Amazing.

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keith wrote:
> On Fri, 15 Jul 2005 15:48:01 -0500, lyon_wonder wrote:
>>IBM to officially discontinue all support of OS/2 by December of 2006,
>>encourages remaining userbase switch to Linux.
>>... and I thought the remaining OS/2 userbase, besides large
>>corporations, equaled the number of fingers on one's hand:)
> Ok Yousuf, what exactly do you think the 'B' in IBM means? Get with the
> program! Sheesh, you never got the message? Amazing.

I think there's a problem with the quoting levels above. That last
paragraph wasn't mine, that must've been Lyon's.

Yousuf Khan
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On Mon, 25 Jul 2005 00:42:51 -0400, Yousuf Khan wrote:

> keith wrote:
>> On Fri, 15 Jul 2005 15:48:01 -0500, lyon_wonder wrote:
>>>IBM to officially discontinue all support of OS/2 by December of 2006,
>>>encourages remaining userbase switch to Linux.
>>>... and I thought the remaining OS/2 userbase, besides large
>>>corporations, equaled the number of fingers on one's hand:)
>> Ok Yousuf, what exactly do you think the 'B' in IBM means? Get with the
>> program! Sheesh, you never got the message? Amazing.
> I think there's a problem with the quoting levels above. That last
> paragraph wasn't mine, that must've been Lyon's.

Indeed it was. Sorry. The original must not have shown up yet or was
misthreaded somehow.

There was supposed to be a smiley in there somewhere too, but...
