
Archived from groups: alt.comp.hardware.pc-homebuilt (More info?)

Due to video editing, I have four HDDs running on the two IDE channels on my
ASUS P4S8X motherboard. I installed a SIIG UltraATA 133 PCI controller board to
accomodate my ZIP and DVD Burner. This worked well.

Sadly my DVD Burner died and I purchased a replacement, which refused to run
well on the IDE controller, software not picking it up as a DVD drive. Having
moved the HDD arrangement to accomodate I run into several problems:

1. UltraATA board will not allow HD to be connected under any configuration
other than the Boot HDD being added to the board. It recognises them, but will
not boot to Windows.

2. When the HDDs are configured to boot to windows two of the four perform with
sluggishness that eventually hangs the computer. Video is jerky out of synch
and then freezes etc. Tranfer of files takes an eternity.

I hve tried every configuration with the drives Master, Slave, Cable Select and
have mixed the drives to find a workable match to no avail. I have tried
without the controller card and adding a hard disk at a time etc.

Any suggestions?



Archived from groups: alt.comp.hardware.pc-homebuilt (More info?)

I wonder how the system was behaving before the DVD died.
With four hdds running it would seem that you ought to have at least a 400
watt PS in place. If not that could be a problem in itself.
This sounds like you have other programs loadiing on boot and hogging
lots of memory. Have you checked msconfig to see what else starts? If
nothing appears to be leaching the memory I would start from ground zero and
reinstall the OS with a minimum of peripherals to begin. Then I'd add each
drive, and eventually the PCI controller board.

Jan Alter
"WaltonSw" <waltonsw@aol.com> wrote in message
> Hello
> Due to video editing, I have four HDDs running on the two IDE channels on
> ASUS P4S8X motherboard. I installed a SIIG UltraATA 133 PCI controller
board to
> accomodate my ZIP and DVD Burner. This worked well.
> Sadly my DVD Burner died and I purchased a replacement, which refused to
> well on the IDE controller, software not picking it up as a DVD drive.
> moved the HDD arrangement to accomodate I run into several problems:
> 1. UltraATA board will not allow HD to be connected under any
> other than the Boot HDD being added to the board. It recognises them, but
> not boot to Windows.
> 2. When the HDDs are configured to boot to windows two of the four perform
> sluggishness that eventually hangs the computer. Video is jerky out of
> and then freezes etc. Tranfer of files takes an eternity.
> I hve tried every configuration with the drives Master, Slave, Cable
Select and
> have mixed the drives to find a workable match to no avail. I have tried
> without the controller card and adding a hard disk at a time etc.
> Any suggestions?
> Steve