Idea for a new 3D Game


Jul 9, 2001
1. It's a FPS of the Half Life Genre.
2. To keep you interested, the graphics quality increases as you progress through the game.
3. The final end of game video is of DVD quality.
Now that would be a cool game. I'd be hooked just to see the graphics improve and to see if my video card (GF3 TI 200) could handle them.

<P ID="edit"><FONT SIZE=-1><EM>Edited by rubberbband on 02/06/02 05:07 PM.</EM></FONT></P>

Actually, that could be kinda cool, as long as you majorly overdid it. You could start off with ASCII graphics, and then continue through Sierra Quest game graphics, then Doom, Duke Nukem, Quake, Quake 3, UT, Black & White, and then finally to today (whichever engine you choose).

Problem with that is, you'd need about 10 different game engines. That would be a nightmare. If you did it more subtle, to avoid that, then the idea wouldn't work.

<font color=orange>Quarter</font color=orange> <font color=blue>Pounder</font color=blue> <font color=orange>Inside</font color=orange><P ID="edit"><FONT SIZE=-1><EM>Edited by FatBurger on 02/06/02 11:47 AM.</EM></FONT></P>
What? Wouldn't you be able to play Mines of Moria with the Quake 3 engine?
It would definetly be worth the effort though. I bet you'd be hooked. Here's another idea make a game with one level from each of the best FPS shooter games (Half Life, Red Faction, Wolf 3D, UT...). That could be interesting too...
that wouldn't be interesting, that would just be weird and not make sense. For a game to be good, it mainly must have a good plot, and something w/ random levels wouldn't cut it.

Only if you let me see the Umpa Lumpa- Homer Simpson.
I don't know about anyone else, but I wouldn't want to endure crappy graphics if I knew the good stuff was near the end of the game. I'd either go to the end of the game (via a cheat) to see the pretty stuff or I would expect the whole game to look as good as the end game. If the end of the game looks that good, why not make the entire game look good? A good plot / backstory is more likely to keep me interested.

<font color=red> If you design software that is fool-proof, only a fool will want to use it. </font color=red>
I'm into the Tomb Raider type games, you get cool weapons, and you have to complete cool boards, and also get to drive cool automobiles, Swim etc... Thats a great game... Metal Gear Solid is great also (for ps2)


Once you go AMD, You never Go back!!
I Agree. What is gonna be cool is Peter Moleneux's next game. Its another one of the rpg type he always makes. The character you play as will be affected by the environment and the way you play. For example if you like playing the loud all guns blazing style, he will get stronger and tougher and be able carry more weapons and stuff. If you're the silent assassin type, he will become stealthy and slim etc. The skillset will also change in duration of the game on how you play. Its gonna be cool.

<font color=red><i>I refugee from Guatanamo Bay,
dance around the border like I'm Cassius Clay
</i></font color=red>
Too bad the Middle Earth MMORGP isn't out yet. About a game with graphich improving thats sounds like it could be a game of the year of a complete falure. Mabey the game could be centered on the graphics... like complete a quest and the qraphics get better.
How about a game which causes all kinds of problems and conflicts on your computer. I guess it could be called a Via Kt133 chipset simulator LOL. I know I own one.
PS how's the 266A chipset? Any better?
Hmmm.. I don't know if I'm lucky or what. I have an Asus A7V motherboard and I have never had any problems due to the chipset. I've heard many complaints about the KT133, but I have yet to experience anything negative with mine.

<font color=red> If you design software that is fool-proof, only a fool will want to use it. </font color=red>
How about a game which causes all kinds of problems and conflicts on your computer.

They made it already, it's called Tribes 2.

<font color=orange>Quarter</font color=orange> <font color=blue>Pounder</font color=blue> <font color=orange>Inside</font color=orange>

I can't say I've had problems with Tribes 2 until I went to the beta version of XP. I had vid card issues that were fixed with new drivers. The auto-updater also crashed on me, but I managed to finally get around that and get the game updated... once all this was done, the game ran perfectly.

<font color=red> If you design software that is fool-proof, only a fool will want to use it. </font color=red>
If you enjoyed Tribes, yes... Tribes 2 is very good. The only downsides are that you need a decent computer to run it well... and it is best played on a broadband connection.

They made a lot of improvements and some of the mods are pretty interesting too.

<font color=red> If you design software that is fool-proof, only a fool will want to use it. </font color=red>
Believe it or not I haven't tried Tribes yet. Unfortunetly I won't have the opportunity as I'm headed to the Persian Gulf soon. We don't get to play too many games at sea. Oh well I'm sure that some other game will grab my attention when I get back.
I picked up Tribes2 cause I found it on sale for 20 bucks. I figured that I couldn't pass that up. I played it for a while but got bored and went back to all the wonderful halflife mods. I have broadband now, so maybe I'll try it again... we'll see.
I only play Tribes 2 online. It wasn't designed as a single player game (except the small tutorial).

<font color=orange>Quarter</font color=orange> <font color=blue>Pounder</font color=blue> <font color=orange>Inside</font color=orange>
graphics is not everything, a story might help.

D2 is the best game IMO but it has graphics that are just cartoon like - not the greatest but i like em.

Windows has started.
Would you like to play another game?
i meant that i was playing on dialup before... not single player. and i agreee, d2 is great. and i'd rather have the sprite based graphics than mediocre 3d graphics anyday... especially in a rpg. there are notible exceptions... like deus ex... if you can consider that a rpg.