identifying CPU


Oct 1, 2002
I just bought and installed an AMD 1600+ XP CPU. When I checked in device manager and Sandra they reported that I have a 1.05 Ghz CPU. Is this accurate? Is there a more accurate way to check or was I sent the wrong CPU?Thanks
you may need to check in the bios and see if your fsb is set at 133.

I CANT TAKE IT ANYMORE,,<--- comes out of the closet screaming i am an AMD bieocth fan boy..
Thanks for the education, I found the jumper on the MB for 133 FSB and everything is reporting correctly, although I see my temp is going through the roof now 60deg C
Does it crash? no? then its ok!
the software programs used to monitor temps are notoriously bad, but even if it is that temp its ok. bout what one owuld expect from a stock cooler. Gets the job done with minimum of fuss.

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