Idle power consumption OC


Sep 21, 2009
Hey guys i have my core i7 920 set to 3.6ghz and my radeon 5870 overclocked. My question is while my computer is idle do these overclocks make my computer suck more energy then when my computer is idle with no overclock. And if there is a difference how big is the difference?
I7 920 C0 Watts measured at the power cord.

@ stock:
Vcore = Auto
Idle = 166W
Load = 276W

@ 3.5 Ghz - HT On:
Vcore = 1.160
Idle = 192W
Load = 296W

@ 4.0 Ghz - HT On:
Vcore = 1.432
Idle = 232W
Load = 456W

Total System Full Load Test:
Prime95 Small FFT’s + ATI Tool Scan for Artifact with GTX 280 @ PCIE 115 / Core 665 / Mem 2550
Load = 560W

Sorry, I don't have any further data for graphics cards, but you can see that GPU overclocking also consumes more Watts at the power cord.

Comp :sol:


Intel Master
I7 920 C0 Watts measured at the power cord.

@ stock:
Vcore = Auto
Idle = 166W
Load = 276W

@ 3.5 Ghz - HT On:
Vcore = 1.160
Idle = 192W
Load = 296W

@ 4.0 Ghz - HT On:
Vcore = 1.432
Idle = 232W
Load = 456W

Total System Full Load Test:
Prime95 Small FFT’s + ATI Tool Scan for Artifact with GTX 280 @ PCIE 115 / Core 665 / Mem 2550
Load = 560W

Sorry, I don't have any further data for graphics cards, but you can see that GPU overclocking also consumes more Watts at the power cord.

Comp :sol: