If You Hate Apple and Macs, Read This

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There are 2 things that i hate about apple:

1. their adds promoting a perfect world wich isn`t it`s more like a placebo for users who switch from PC to Mac thinking they found utopia in computers
2. Their overprice for same gear you get in a PC but wait that`s not a PC that`s a MAC with the same fukin hardware inside but a twice the price.

The rest is all ok about them and it`s good to have competition but please stop the bullshit about perfect OS/PC and stuff, it`s a fukin limited hardware if your OS would crash even on limited hardware than your company would of sucked balls Steve.
good article.

i hope that vista bashers who havent even used vista also read this article and apply the same to vista.
thumbs down. Someone is taking it too seriously. I get a laugh out of reading the comments on both sides. Thats the reason I read the posts is to get a laugh on how ignorant some sound and how knowledgeable others sounds.
I'll admit i don't like apple, but i think people should express their opinions in a better way. I see a lot of serious disrespect for the Tom's staff, like the some comments above.
I completely agree with the article. I call people out on their irrational hatred for any company, be it hardware or software. I don't mind if the comments and criticism are valid, but I hate when it's obvious that they don't know what they're talking about. Like when people compare Mac prices to home-built PCs and OEM prices instead of comparing between brands like Dell or HP.

It's even more funny when people complain about the commercials. They must be the same people who get pissed when bikini clad girls don't appear when they open a Budweiser can.
Ok I got here early, by the morning I expect to find about 5 pages of comments about why Toms Hardware has this obsession about Macs with readers posting there own theories (weather they be logical and sound or the usual flame bite kind).

You guys don't help yourselves by putting up a headline on the front page saying "Test Shows Snow Leopard is Faster Than Win 7" and when you read the news piece it's clear that the test wasn't balanced or had flaws. It's kind of naive on your part (in this case Marcus Yam) to put this kind of material up on your site and not expect a backlash.

At the end of the day Apple OS is like 5% of the market and whilst there a plenty of PC fanboys out there to bash Apple at every point it's not like there's a shortage of Mac idiots as well.
Right... how do you explain the article with the headlines "Snow Leopard Faster than Windows 7" ??? How are you not a biased iGnorant fanboi?

iGnorance is bliss.

But we're not iDiots.

It is surprising that certain authors of Tom's Hardware are so incompetent that they feel the need to keep pushing outright lies and promoting BS. Yes, that includes you, Tuan. Given your track record of false reporting, retraction and debunking yourself, you deserve to be fired already. Same with some other authors who do not do their fact check and keep posting unrelated topics. Not to mention the recent surge of misinformation and titular editing to attract hit rate. Now you are blaming us the readers for being unreasonable? Welcome to the real world, where unreasonable readers live. You'd better treat them well since they are the source of Tom's revenue. The only two reason that I still read Tom's are to bash narcissistic authors and any Apple Inc product respectively, just for fun. And keep doing this until all chronic readers are so pissed that they start boycotting without notification.
I think the hate spawns not from the companies themselves, but the people who buy into the hype these companies output. I can make an educated decision to buy hardware, but I'm angry at Apple, Microsoft, Nintendo, Sony, (and basically any company that advertises) for manipulating the less technically inclined to purchase their product without properly reviewing the topic first.

Its similar to talk radio. I know not to listen to lunatics spouting hate-filled opinion like it's news, but that doesn't stop others from listening and believing. Should I hate the ignorant masses who allow themselves to be manipulated, or should I aim that rage at those doing to manipulating? I can't make Mac owners or Glenn Beck listeners smarter, but isn't my anger at Apple and Glenn Beck for manipulating these poor souls somewhat justified?

As for Tom's, my only problem is the obvious bias in the choice of topics to cover. We have seen numerous stories about various FireFox BETA releases, but Opera 10 came out without a single article mention (here's a headline: "Opera 10: first released web browser to pass Acid3 100/100"). How many pointless iPhone OS updates have we received (and updates on cracks for each iteration), but only very recently have we been getting any Android news. Months ago Android OS 1.5 added in a software keyboard, don't remember that being mentioned. The Android OS 1.6 also now has copy and paste (no mention of that either?). I remember seeing numerous articles about this missing and subsequently being added to the iPhone OS, but no mention about Android OS updates.

You must be able to see where some of this perceived bias on the part of your readers is coming from.
words I say to everyone contemplating between windows and mac:
try both out and see which one fits your style, usage and expectations...

personally I hate them.. but I do understand that it's my personal preference.
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