I'm building a computer Please Help!


Oct 12, 2009
I'm building a computer, and my total budget is around $250. I am a lawful person, so I don't want to get illegal stuff. I do have some specific things I want. I want a 250 GB hard drive, and a 3 GHz processor. Also, I want a CD/DVD drive. I don't need it to burn them, just read them. I want a wireless internet connection, or airport, or whatever you call it. Also, I want Mac OS X Leopard or Snow Leopard, or Windows Vista or 7. By the way, I know almost nothing about computers, so please just give links and explanations about what the products are. I already have a monitor. Thanks!!!!!!!
Sorry but I have to agree with everyone else. Though it's possible if you currently DO have a machine that is just a little aged, you could slowly upgrade that to a usable machine? depends on the time you want to spend on that project and well how old that machine really is lol
I agree, this is not really possible. I have recently tried to build an HTPC suitable for Blu-ray and tried to get most parts second hand as its just for the other room. Still managed to cost me around $450.00 i think converting roughly from GBP to USD. I settled for the 1.8GHz e3600 but will be heavily overclocking. Like bilq says you are better off trying to find someones second hand build on ebay.

Good Luck
It's so good that you are a lawfull person! Just last week someone broke into my local radio shack here and stole all of the hand held remotes! And last week a crazed computer builder broke into the offices of newegg.com and stole 3 video cards just to feed his addiction! However, if you contact me I can get you some choice hardware nice and legal!. hahahahahahahah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Has ANYONE here ever got any computer hardware ilegally??? And getting a cheap video card on CL does not count!! What are you part of the mafia waiting at the port for the first shipement from Taiwan? hahahaha! You made my day. I will share your post with everyone I know 😉
ComputerGeekNerdLoser - You would not be able to purchase a brand new computer system or the parts to build a brand new system for $250.00 (US Dollars). However, you can definitely purchase a refurbished computer system for that price. Here is a link to a web page at Tiger Direct with a variety of refurbished computer systems:


Here is a link to a Tiger Direct guide explaining refurbished items:


There is another problem. Desktop computers do not come with wireless Internet connections. You would have to make arrangements for wireless Internet service and purchase additional components for wireless service.

For wireless, you can just get a Belkin Wirless router w/adaptor, which may cost a lot of money, but it is wireless. Also, i definatly would not build a computer if you have little know-how on how to build one. but, if you are, remember that static electricity can completly fry your motherboard, so don't touch it unless you have at least touched an earthed copper wire and don't drag yourself along the carpet to generate static either. If you live in the U.K, then Eureka Innovations can build you a nice computer to your spec with the right budget, and i also know the guy, and hes pretty 'Teched up'.

my name is joe if this will help tiger direct.com is the place to start or buy a used computer that comes with xp and you get the install cd with it xp you can up grade the cpu and mother boaed in the used compter and tiger direct is the best place to get a good deal and for the used computer go with craigslist make sure you get the install cd with it xp or newer and up grade the mother board cpu the old hard ware in the computer can be re used down the road you can upgrade the hard ware you tube.com has videos how to up grade computers put in a new mother board cpu tiger direct is your best place to buy your mother board cpu you tube.com has the right videos to help work on computers you will be a computer pro in no time have a nice day hope that will help from JOSEPH BRIAN SMITH