[SOLVED] Im having an issue with my Graphic Cards fans, it bounces from 2000-3000 rps in 0,2 sec, it goes up and down like crazy

Oct 4, 2019
Graphic Card is a GTX 1070 G1 from Gigabyte.
what i allready tried :
  • I reinstalled new drivers
  • I tried to set the fan speed to a fixed rpm
  • Installed Windows new

If i set the fan speed to "Silent" it only allows the fans to spin at a certain rpm and it doesnt hapen, but if i set the fan speed to Auto/Turbo it bounces like crazy...

Specs :
Windows 10
GigabyteGTX 1070 G1
Intel I5-3570k
Corsair Vengeance 16GB
MB: Gigabyte G1 Sniper M3

Here is a video of the fan speeds : https://streamable.com/40iuc
Did you use DDU in safe mode to remove and update your drivers?
What is the exact make, model and age of your PSU?
No, i allways used the option from Nvidia to remove the old version and install the new one.

The PSU is about 8 years old.(OCZ ZT Series 80 Plus Bronze modular (650 Watt, ATX) )

everything is running fine, even my i5-3570k OC to 4,4Ghz, no problems at all
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