I'm looking for a comprehensive guide on cleaning computer hardware


Feb 2, 2018
Hi tom's hardware, i failed to describe my request in my last post so i will try again.
I'm looking for a guide on proper cleaning methods of my PC components like, PSU, GPU,CPU, case fans, Motherboard slots, anything that needs routine cleaning to help things last longer and perform as the first day bought.

I'm on windows 10, I was asked to say what component is malfunctioning and I might have a GPU issue but I don't know if it is related to it being dirty so my question: Is there a guide on cleaning each individual PC component?

Like a guide that talks about cleaning Motherboard slots( if even necessary) or GPU vram modules with alcohol versus not because it is not necessary as dust doesn't negatively affect that component.

what i'm trying to say is a guide that an expert made not just people who this worked for them but might no work for me, at least getting the obvious thing to do on paper and the 'this might work for you or not' on a separate page, because I have done my research on it but i really don't like that there are many people who claim this way or another way of doing it specially when they contradict, I need people who agree at least on something, I am very confused as I wholly trust the experts not just any way and i need to clean this PC and keep it clean. I hope i made more sense, if i didn't please direct me to another forum where you think i can make more sense.
Thank you
I use just a clean piece of printing paper, that does good job and it's not overly abrasive. Plating on those contacts is micron deep. I just bend a small piece and slide over contacts on both sides at same time. Grounding is not necessary if you don't handle very small parts, should be enough to just touch case from time to time. Heatsinks, after taking fans off, I stick in dishwasher and they come nice and clean.
You may want to look at Youtube but don't trust just anybody.

Thank you so much for your reply CountMike :) I like your idea, but what clean paper are you suggesting? I ask this because maybe there is a in depth guide on how to even perform a cleaning with what you suggested but what to do prior to cleaning like grounding yourself or things like that for a new comer as I. Is there a list/guide that is on this forum to apply to all pc hardware?. Thanks so much again
I use just a clean piece of printing paper, that does good job and it's not overly abrasive. Plating on those contacts is micron deep. I just bend a small piece and slide over contacts on both sides at same time. Grounding is not necessary if you don't handle very small parts, should be enough to just touch case from time to time. Heatsinks, after taking fans off, I stick in dishwasher and they come nice and clean.
You may want to look at Youtube but don't trust just anybody.