Whenever I play CS:GO / Trackmania 2 Stadium while using Teamspeak or Discord (only ones I can confirm) I get this microstutter effect that disrupts the fluency of 120+hz and is therefore very noticable on these frequencies. At first I thought my old Samsung 2233RZ (120hz) was dying, but after noticing it on an Alienware 2518HF (240hz) as well I realized the problem must be software or process related. Now there is only so little I can find about any similar problems caused by VoIP software that I don't really know where to look for anymore. I haven't considered reinstalling any games yet as they are running butter smooth whenever I'm not using any VoIP software during these games! The one thing I do seem to notice is that it doesn't happen in games that aren't run by Steam. Apex Legends for instance (Origin) is not showing this effect.
Please raise your hand if you have any clue as to what this might be. I'd very much appreciate it as I can't play these games competitively with friends with this microstutter.
i5 7400 @ 3 ghz
16 GB DDR4
GTX 1050 ti
Windows 10 Home 10.0.17134 Build 17134
Please raise your hand if you have any clue as to what this might be. I'd very much appreciate it as I can't play these games competitively with friends with this microstutter.
i5 7400 @ 3 ghz
16 GB DDR4
GTX 1050 ti
Windows 10 Home 10.0.17134 Build 17134