In Pictures: 40 Of The Dirtiest PCs You've Ever Seen

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WTF these are animals, I fix computers and I've seen some that I could compare to some of these. I love my computer and clean at least once a month. I Blow it out and shine it up. Dust does pile up fast. I once fixed a computer that the video card locked up because too much dust. Some people make the mistake of putting on floor or rug and the fans suck up all the dust and smokers are a killer.

Hence why I do it outside, with a mask if necessary, preferably on a windy day. And I've gotten good at
holding my breath. 😀


air compressor, one of our best investments. 120 pounds / sq inch will clean that lot.
If you haven't got one, take the PC to your tyre company or garage.
Yeah, reminds me of the last place I worked at. We'd get PC's (and servers) back from our stores that had insides caked with dust. We were not even allowed to clean those in the main part of our center, they had to be taken to the far back corner of the warehouse in a little booth (be sure to grab a face mask on your way in) where they could be blown out in a contained area with an exhaust fan.
Wow seriously, this is flat out impressive. I hope no one with OCD sees this they will be cleaning for weeks non stop and I would hate for Toms to be liable for such a thing. Warning sign needed.
Υeah, those PC's in those images had to be like 10 years old never opened. The spiders were the scary part.

unfortunately for us pc service people, this is so wrong haha.
I have cleaned 3 times the last 2 years a laptop that managed to gather cat hair and pubic hair on all 3 times. The cpu fan stopped rotating due to the carpet of hair! so the customer (female) brought it for cleaning.

I have cleaned 2 times a Tower PC with 2 120mm fans with the typical filters on the fans, the dust inside was something else, in 8 months.

I have cleaned a laptop 2 times between 2 summers becaue the guy was taking it at the beach and was smoking weed also!

Burnt small lizard on a motherboard, i have seen it. PC Working after getting doused with coffee. It had no milk or sugar. Other laptop PCs that got coffee with milk and sugar OR WORSE coca cola! died after few weeks lol

Worse thing i heard. "I have my laptop on my bed, on the blanket, why does it turn off?" Guess why.. half the blanket's fabrics were inside the fan..

And many others!

A. The place you have the pc plays important role.
1) How close it is to the floor. The closer the worse
2) If its in a bedroom (more clothes, more fabric in the air, pc will need cleaning faster
B. Your activities on the PC area.
1) If you smoke
2) if you scratch you hair! well if you have pets, dogs cats..
C. How often you clean the area. Doesnt matter how dirty is your room but how often you clean it. PCs are like magnet to all the dust, considering they get galons of air through them with their fans.
D How hot is your environment. Hotter areas (like south Mediteranean, California or whatever) create more dust in the air and more pollen thus PC need cleaning more often.

PS On a sidenote, PCs that had no extra fans apart the cpu/gpu/psu and one 80mm fan in the back didn't get loads of dust in few years even. Makes you wonder, if you dont game, if fans are really needed apart the minimum ones.
Fanless systems would most certainly not get even the 10% of the dust that normal pc would get.

Thats also the good thing about the newer computer parts. My new CPU clc cooler, power supply as well as the dual 970s in SLI don't even turn on the fans until things start to get hot. Much quieter and hopefully less dust.

the worst is when you get an old till from a grocery store for upgrades the dust has been building inside for many years. Even more gross arer office computers in greasy restaurants. I have had to degrease a few because there is so much cooking oil caked on. Also when people smoke beside or near a computer and it goes directly inside stinks bad. It actually makes me sick to my stomach.
I've seen more dirtier, the case inside was full of dead cockroaches, spider webs, dusts and has foul odor. Almost throw up when I cleaned it.
I've seen more dirtier, the case inside was full of dead cockroaches, spider webs, dusts and has foul odor. Almost throw up when I cleaned it.
if there's no baking insect or some kind of small amphibian or mammal electrified or petrified it doesn't mean much any more after these shots.
the ones that are surviving\breeding in there are what scares me about you guys.

is this just a promotional scam from Case\Tower distributors to get the rest of them out there to buy windowed?
bet it's all obama's fault
In the 90's, a co-worker who had put their slimline HP in a desk drawer, then a year later, complained the drawer was stuck ... the computer had melted itself down to the motherboard and then slowly (over months) "dripped" down the back of the desk drawers inside the desk, eventually melting its own power cord until it lost power ... apparently it was "working fine" until the day it simply went off ... and that's when they noticed the desk drawers were melted shut. By the time I saw it (as facility DBA) they had pulled off the back of the desk to reveal the alien technology that had nested in the back of the desk. The motherboard had been "consumed" by the plastic case and the only metal frame was holding the power supply, which was hanging by the usual 12V cables to the mobo etc. The only plastic that wasn't turned into a blob was the connector to the power supply -- it was the only thing designed to withstand heat. Quite astonishing to see it was still running perfectly normally once we cut out the shorted power cord and simply plugged in a new cord. Then we did a backup.
I still have a very, very old Desktop that I didn't take care of. Well I still keep it so It reminds me how important it is cleaning in up and out every three weeks. Some people may think I'm parodied but still. (That was before I built my own system).

After I saw what could happen with smoking next to my PC, I quite ( That isn't a joke) . It's the best think I every did.
It's healthy for me plus It'll keep my PC clean.
I have two dog's and yes, they both shed a lot. I always shut the doors when they are near that area. It may sound a bit rude but I don't want my dog's tail wagging his tail knocking something over.
Why does your site freak out everytime I click anything?
I only made it to the seventh picture and Ive got a headache from my screen moving so much.
Why does your website freak the hell out when I click the next slide button?!

Only seven slides and Ive got a headache from my screen moving so much
Ugh, I feel soo sorry for you.
I just work in a shop and my room if it's too warm or too cold.
Thank god the weather doesn't get too extreme in the DC, Virginia area.
Nothing compares to the cigarette covered filth pit at the beginning. But I did LMAO at the "mites are partying in the dunes" line. Ah yes, the things that come to us non-slobs when we see a filth barons possessions.
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