[citation][nom]nevertell[/nom]I hate these kind of articles, nothing useful, nothing interesting. And surely, I am going to get "thumbed down"....[/citation]
[citation][nom]Cmartin011[/nom]the hammer is a symbol of old Germany (Nazi) and was used in Pink Floyd the wall[/citation]
Erm no it wasn't a Nazi symbol. They did use abeit not officially Thor's Hammer Mjolnir which in no way could ever be confused with the carpenters hammer. Pink Floyd used this symbol to allude to National Socialism but that is as far as it goes.
[citation][nom]volkov956[/nom]look at the side of the case u will notice it has 2 tools crossed together so i doubt it has to do with Pink Floyd[/citation]
Then why does it have the lyrics from "Outside the Wall" by Pink Floyd written on the case. I think it has everything to do with Pink Floyd and nothing to do with communism, and Nazis'.
it probably should be noted that the nazis did not make pink floyds music. they wrote it themselves. the nazis also raped and murdered over 100 people. not good eh?