[SOLVED] in that bottlneck?


Feb 28, 2020
hello guys....i have this spec
CPU:Xeon w3680 ( 12M Cache, 3.33 GHz, 6.40 GT/s Intel® QPI )
GPU:Gigabyte gtx 670 windforce 3x 2GB Vram
RAM:10GB GddR 3 1366
PSU:625 Watt 80 plus brozen

and in some games like GTA V i have no bottleneck GPU Usage (89%-99%) on ultra settings 60-90 FPS Avg
and Fortnite high settings 60-120 fps GPU usage (79%-99%)
but in CSGO graphic all ultra why the GPU usage is (30%-50%) and fps from 350-to 20 fps a big drop in 1 second ??
and i'm playing at 1440x900
what is this is that a bottleneck or a software problem ??

anyone have information about it pleas help me out
Your CPU is of a 10 year old architecture, so, despite having plenty of cores/threads, naturally it is not going to keep up with modern CPUs, but, as your GPU is also 8 years old, you might need to adjust your frame rate expectations a tad lower in some of the heavy action sequences which might require increased CPU usage.

Possibly a background application is kicking in competing for CPU access (cloud storage, AV scan, Windows update)...? Terminate all processes not needed for game, and, consider capping your FPS to 100 or so, as I doubt most servers have the sustained bandwidth for servicing your 300 fps peaks anyway, and, it might be counterproductive.

Try playing with/experimenting at lower resolution/details/textures...; if that...
hello guys....i have this spec
CPU:Xeon w3680 ( 12M Cache, 3.33 GHz, 6.40 GT/s Intel® QPI )
GPU:Gigabyte gtx 670 windforce 3x 2GB Vram
RAM:10GB GddR 3 1366
PSU:625 Watt 80 plus brozen

and in some games like GTA V i have no bottleneck GPU Usage (89%-99%) on ultra settings 60-90 FPS Avg
and Fortnite high settings 60-120 fps GPU usage (79%-99%)
but in CSGO graphic all ultra why the GPU usage is (30%-50%) and fps from 350-to 20 fps a big drop in 1 second ??
and i'm playing at 1440x900
what is this is that a bottleneck or a software problem ??

anyone have information about it pleas help me out
Your CPU is of a 10 year old architecture, so, despite having plenty of cores/threads, naturally it is not going to keep up with modern CPUs, but, as your GPU is also 8 years old, you might need to adjust your frame rate expectations a tad lower in some of the heavy action sequences which might require increased CPU usage.

Possibly a background application is kicking in competing for CPU access (cloud storage, AV scan, Windows update)...? Terminate all processes not needed for game, and, consider capping your FPS to 100 or so, as I doubt most servers have the sustained bandwidth for servicing your 300 fps peaks anyway, and, it might be counterproductive.

Try playing with/experimenting at lower resolution/details/textures...; if that helps, perhaps your GPU's VRAM might be constraining things. If not, it can indeed be challenging to figure out what might cause a 280-300 fps drop in one half second... IF lowering res/details does not help, try raising them, within limits of your available VRAM, of course.