Hi. I installed a GTX970Asus Strix into my computer this weekend and it does not work. I have a Corsair 850 PSU on a P9x79 deluxe MoBO with i7 3930k and 16gb Ram. I believe that I have the necessary wattage. I have a PCIe 6+2 alimentation cable, it slots in, I get 1 white LED lit up (do I need 2 LED lights to light up?) When I start up the computer, the red GPU LED stays lit up and the Boot right LED lights up as well (if I remember correctly, the error code on the MOBO stays stuck on 62 as well) What have I done wrong and what do you believe I need to do? I have not connected a PCI cable through the module cables, as there is already the PCIe cables available so I think that there is enough power.. (there is only 1 8pin PCI power inlet on the card itelf) Many thanks in advance for your help.