Intall R5450 Graphics Card


Dec 9, 2011

PC info
Lenovo ThinkCentre M2 Model 8212
P4 3Ghz (Prescott)
1 Gig Ram, soon to be upgraded to 3 Gig
PCI-e 1.0 slot
225W power supply

Tried to install R5450 PCI-e 2.0 card. Plugged monitor into VGA port...NOTHING, BLACK SCREEN, NO SIGNAL, and a beep, beep, beep error message.

Removed the new card, rebooted, disabled the Intel onboard graphics, plugged the monitor into the new card again...NOTHING.

Finally got the onboard graphics working again on the third try. How can I resolved this hardware conflict?
I think you have the PCI-E 2.1 compatibility problem. A lot of HD 5000 series cards may be advertised as 2.0, but they are not, all of them are 2.1. A system that old may not be able to support it properly. You can check Lenovo's website for and see if there is a BIOS update that will allow you to use 2.1 cards. If not you may be out of luck.

Alternatively, you may have received a bad card. If you or a friend have another PC available, try testing the card in another computer. If it works in a different machine, the card isn't compatible with your board. If the card does not work in the other machine, you have a defective card.


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