Intel Core 2 Duo E8400 good enough?


Jun 13, 2015
Okay so here's my problem, before I start here are the specifications on my PC.

CPU- Intel Core 2 Duo e8400 3.0Ghz
Ram- Radeon HD5450

Now here's my problem, Im looking to make a gaming PC, should i use my money now to get a mobo/cpu combo (intel i5) or should i still use my current PC to game and upgrade my GPU? I would have a $250 budget to work with on a GPU. My main concern is bottle-necking my CPU. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Austin.

In other words; Save your money and do not upgrade this old system; You are short already Be prudent. If you have to wait a year to build a new computer, then do so; Don't invest in your old system; Play what games that you can in the mean-time;

Okay so with a budget of $250 whats the best GPU I can run?

That depends on the state of your power supply.
This all depends on if you can Overclock, if so grab a Core 2 Quad and Overclock. Q9XXX chips "$40-$85 Ebay" do fairly well still if you can support them even a Q6600 or Q6700 "$30 and under on Ebay" overclocked are decent. For a GPU use the following.

960 GTX "$199" "450 Watt Power Supply"
R9 280X "$189" "500 Watt Power Supply"

Unsure of your Supply then
750 TI "$104" "300 Watt Power Supply"
750 TI OC "$145" "450 Watt Power Supply"

Any of these would be a world better than what you have.
Personally, I would join Bing Rewards and earn money each month and upgrade your motherboard and CPU, and then your graphics card; I would not invest money in that old of a system (close to 6-7 years old 2008-2009). I would also have your family join also, and have them work to earn. give them allowance.

In other words; Save your money and do not upgrade this old system; You are short already Be prudent. If you have to wait a year to build a new computer, then do so; Don't invest in your old system; Play what games that you can in the mean-time;
I have E8400 on my wife PC. I will give you some info. I do have HD5670 512mb gpu but I borrow nvidia gtx650 1gb OC and I can say that I run games in descent FPS for that cpu:
Saints Row 4 - 35+ fps
GTA 5 - 40+ fps
CSGO - 70-160 fps
Rust - 50+ fps (with usual deeps on 30 sometimes)
H1Z1 - 40+ fps

All that in 1080p except CSGO which is for competetive play in 1280x960 low-mid tweaked settings.

E8400 is good for old games, not so good for new especially not with open world and big maps since it has only 2 cores. But again if you compare E8400 with Q9200 who is quad, you will notice difference only in those open world games, E8400 is even more powerful in terms of those 2 cores. In theory and proven from my experiance. If you wanna game, I recommend getting money for cheap AMD FX cpu.
Q9XXX chips overclocked are on par with Phenom II X4's and FX-4100's and for the cost are still good when your saving for a new system. I have a Q9650" 3ghz Quad Core" "$50 Ebay" based LGA775 system and it does plays 1080p in Low to High settings in all titles. Most Whitebox systems wont support them though they will only go up to a Q6600 or Q6700 and also lack overclocking so it all depends on what the OP has.