Hi, my current system worked perfect for BF1 1080p 60 fps in ULTRA settings but now I tried BF V for 10 hours and noticed some studders even in the MEDIUM settings. I guess the G4560 is the issue.
Pentium G4560
Nvidiga Geforce GTX 1060, 3GB
Corsair SSD, 240 GB
16 GB ram 2 400 MHz
What do you recommend I have the possibilty to buy the i5 7500 Ghz for 100 EUR or the i7 6700 for 150 euro...pretty cheap but they are used not new.
Whats your pick and why?
Pentium G4560
Nvidiga Geforce GTX 1060, 3GB
Corsair SSD, 240 GB
16 GB ram 2 400 MHz
What do you recommend I have the possibilty to buy the i5 7500 Ghz for 100 EUR or the i7 6700 for 150 euro...pretty cheap but they are used not new.
Whats your pick and why?