Intel core i7 computer


Sep 23, 2010
I am thinking about buying an Intel core i7 computer for my daughter as a birthday gift. Went to a shopping comparison website and did a search, found this model. But the problem is that the search result shows the same model computers with different prices on different specifications.

I am a stay-hom mom, do not know much about the specifications. I just want to get a good one for my daughter. Any opinion on which one I should buy? Here are the Intel core i7 computers in the search results

You shouldn't base the entire computer on "I want an i7 because I heard it was good". Your daughter might not even use the full power of it, making it a waste of money.

If you can give us the uses of the system, how long your daughter will be keeping it for, possible future uses along those lines and what your pricerange is, we'll try to help you find a pre-built desktop that can meet your needs.
If its for homework, children games and the such an i7 is extreme and well over your needs.

i7's are pretty much top line of the CPU market at the moment..

Even the i5 is more then enough for most top end games these days at maximum settings.
If she's not a gamer/not using complex video rendering and intensive graphical applications then a core 2 duo and mid-range dedicated graphics card would be more then enough as long as you have at least 2gb of ram.

More information and we'll be glad to help you ^.^
it seem as that you want to give your daughter the in that case i looked at the page you posted and i would go for the i7 870 package from sears (ZT Affinity 7514Ni Intel® Core™ i7 Processor 870 Desktop PC w/ 18.5" Monitor, ATI Radion HD5450 Graphics,8GB RAM and 1TB HDD) as it has all you need to get started top of the line computer with an independent graphics card, and most of the others are useing the bulit in intel graphics that are not suited for gaming... happy b-day
Honestly, unless your daughter is doing a ton of video encoding and file zipping/unzipping, maybe audio encoding, or rendering images/video... anything higher than an i5 is a waste of your cash. If it's for internet, MS word, maybe a little photoshop or whatever, some video editing that sort of thing a solid quad core is easily sufficient.

You could easily get a last-gen quad core (socket 775 CPU) but at this point for a decent one it's not really any cheaper than an i5 750 quad core. So my opinion is get the i5 750 or 760. I'm using one and I can tell you it is awesome.

reccy said "Even the i5 is more then enough for most top end games these days at maximum settings" - wrong, it IS more then enough for ALL top end games. My system is proof that an i5 can and will do any game with ease, you just need the right video card. If the PC will just be for homework and internet - no games and no video encoding stuff (btw, watching movies is no issue. Encoding is when you want to essentially reformat the movie into a different type like .avi to .mkv, or change the resolution or audio of it, add subtitles that sort of stuff) then a fast dual core is going to be great like an i3 540.

Anyway, the most important things have already been stated, that is, what usage will your daughter put the PC to? Based on that we can give suggestions on the most balanced PC, based on available budget.