Intel i7 3770 k, s,and t

+1 ^ The i7-3770 @ stock will perform better than the 2700/2600.
So, if you do not plan to overclock now or even in the future, get the i7-3770. non K version.
If you plan to OC, say 4-4.5ghz, get the i7-3770k.
And if you are planning to achieve a high OC, like 4.5Ghz+, then I would suggest the i7 2600k.
An overclocked 2600k would be just as good as the 2700k, the only difference would be that the 2600k was cheaper.
Ugh, how come nobody had posted any links to this thread?..

Here are the designations, from Intel's web site, 'About Intel® Processor Numbers':

.. basically the letter 'K' stands for 'Unlocked' which means it can be clocked, 'to provide optimal performance for gamers and high-power users'. 🙂