
Jun 4, 2001
hi folks,
i was lately looking a little bit mre carefully about what is really happening with this new pentium 4 processor.
well i can tell you that a pentium 4 coupled with a i845/pc 133 is the worst thing you could buy!!!
why doesn't intel release an i845 with ddr memory??
wouldn't it be much better and more powerful????
pentium 4 isn't selling good at the moment, and i don't know if this new chip with the i845/pc133 will do any good!
what are they doing????
you could all take a close look at the tom's hardware cpu guide about this subject and check out the benchmarks...
do anyone of you know if any board manufacturer has introducd a ddr board for the socket478 new pentium4 (northwood)???????
The one thing that you can be sure of: at least 20 marketing guys at ntel (who all have MBA's from Stanford/Harvard/Yale/Dartmouth) think this is the best way to make Cash. It could run at least 3 different ways:

1. If they release a DDR version, right this instant, it will get back to their customers who already have rambus, which will potentially make them dissatisfied customers in the future, reducing the amount of potential Cash available to ntel next quarter/year.

2. They will piss rambus off, royally.

3. They have too many engineers on the job elsewhere, trying to work out problems with their next chip design, in order to figure out DDR.

I'd go with 1 & 2, becase the marketing guys usually have no clue what the engineers are doing (#3). But rest assured, there is a marketing scheme to this; it's just us lay people have no need-to-know of the 'particulars'.
This looks like an 810 deal to me dirt performance (do the consumer) make more money expand the market for the p4, poeple that do not know better will buy this and there are plenty that dont have a clue. tier one manufatures will put 845s in systems and be quiet about it (not hide but not bold about it) to anyone that will listen do not buy 845+pc133 motherboard.

you mean now? 😎

I'd heard similar (2002 I think) but I have no idea if it is true or speculation.

-* This Space For Rent *-
email for application details
i guess now every computer offer will be working on the i845/pc133 board due to it's value and it could fool anyone who doesn't know that he will be bying a pentium4! but guess what!
What? It's 2001? Where am I? Who am I? What happened to my drink?
Next you're gonna tell me that the P3 isn't the fastest processor around anymore, right?

My Athlon can beat your Ferrari off the line.
Pentium 4 is joke with or without rambus. But it could be worse - i845 uses PC133, not PC100 like i820 !

-Beer! Good!
-James Hetfield
If you look at Intel's mistakes and attitudes, you could conclude:
1)they think the customer is stupid and won't know the difference. For most people they're probably right

2)they wanted to release the chipset before their agreement with Rambus expired, in order to boost sales to those stupid customers.

3)they have a great deal of resentment towards customers for not supporting Rambus, now they are releasing the PC133 version which will perform like crap, so that they can say "I told you so".

4) By the time DDR becomes a buzzword with these stupid customers, the i845 will be available with DDR. And I hear it supports an independant memory clock, which would be great for overclocking.

Video killed my Radio Card!
The PC133 version also supports an independant memory clock, so you'll be able to go as far as your ram will take you.

Blah, Blah Blahh, Blahh, blahh blah blahh, blah blah.
so the 845 will be released with the ddr
but when and could you tell me more details i am really interested.will it use the new socket 478 P4(northwood)??or the brookdale core?
with the new chipsets computer vedors to the ignorant will be able to make more money... how much does 512megs of sdr cost as 2 chips? what about rdram for 256? hmm... ok then... P4 1.5 with 512!!!!!! megs of ram for cheaper than they sell them in that other store with 256 megs of ram... WHAT A BARGAIN!!! marketing...

if in doubt blame microsoft...
Yes, Intel earned their current dilema through a bunch of really stupid mistakes. But what sucks is that we feel their pain! They are dragging down the whole tech sector with them! To prove how stupid typical investors are, every time Intel looses money, AMD shares loose value!

Video killed my Radio Card!
P4 1.5 with 512!!!!!! megs of ram for cheaper than they sell them in that other store with 256 megs of ram... WHAT A BARGAIN!!! marketing...
exactly, but the p4 bit is too much for some people, it goes somthing like this:-

me- "what you wan't is an Athlon 1.4"
punter- "but this (points to p4 ad in mag) is 1.7GHz"
me- "the 1.4 Athlon is faster for the things you wan't to do"
punter- " says 1.7 and that's only 1.2"
me- "you don't have to have me build a PC if you know best"
punter- "I just wan't to make sure i get a fast PC...."

repeat untill violence takes over.

"Rehab is for quitters."
>> me- "what you wan't is an Athlon 1.4"
punter- "but this (points to p4 ad in mag) is 1.7GHz"
me- "the 1.4 Athlon is faster for the things you wan't to do"
punter- " says 1.7 and that's only 1.2"
me- "you don't have to have me build a PC if you know best"
punter- "I just wan't to make sure i get a fast PC...."

HAHA! Man, I feel sorry for these type of people... :frown:

AMD technology + Intel technology = Intel/AMD Pentathlon IV; the <b>ULTIMATE</b> PC processor
Ok Intel made a few tiny mistakes (um how tiny?) and expects the usual public ignorance to help them out, Intel will get it right and look out when they do! How far will they push the envelope for home/small end users, technology is there to take a stance but will they go there without admitting fault by massive changes or is it too late?
Too big = too slow and somehow I am now a traitor.

Or is it the case AMD with the old and proven technology will lead the race by default?

BTW I never thought of Intel dragging the tech sectors back, but I was thinking this was the GLOBAL solution backfiring! Oh wait that’s something else. heh.

Darn it, sold those tech shares way to early too. (Just a flame in disguise)

<font color=blue>THG needs 2 change the sig' of the week errrr century!</font color=blue><P ID="edit"><FONT SIZE=-1><EM>Edited by scotty3303 on 08/16/01 02:31 AM.</EM></FONT></P>