Unstable. Unreliable. May be. They're guilty until proven innocent because of months of mysterious crashes that all came to a head when a recent game developer had to tell 13 and 14 gen intel i7 and i9 owners to reduce voltages in order to make them more stable.Some are unstable. Not mine, not all, not most, some. Intel said to follow this IF you had stability issues.
All of these guidelines are consistent with lowering and dealing vdroop under heavy load.
Apparently the motherboards power delivery at default settings is no match for i9s power consumption capabilities.
So some people will have chips that can withstand all the craziness, and some are affected and suffer instability.
And because you don't know for sure, you cannot say your CPU is one of the lucky ones. In a way, it's a good one until it crashes, so you wont know.
I hope it stays trouble free for you.
No. K CPUs were over-overclocked out of the box becuase motherboard firmware removed limits. This was done without informing the user their CPU was going to run unlimited and that it may cause weird problems.Someone tell me if I'm getting this right, please.
K Sku processors, that you pay a premium to overclock on a premium motherboard, doesn't run correctly when overclocked ?
Every overclock is a risk. It's one thing if you do it, but when it's done for you, called auto-optimization or Gaming Xtrem Performance or wahetever, and you don't have a clue your i9 being molested to eke out 3-4% extra juice, then it's a problem.
It's not a problem just because of instability, but because you did not sign up for this.
Then you have been misled. 13th gen is a fine increase over the 12th. All along the line, the 13th gen is superior, except at the lowest end where the 5 foot nothing i3 12100 will knock you out if you make fun of it.Simply put, because of this drama I stayed with the 12th Gen I7 when assembling my new desktop last month. Well, and that the cooler would need to dissipate roughly twice as much heat at base load. And I read (here?) the performance increase 13 and 14 gen over the 12 gen for the price was of questionable value.
For a cheap CPU with no e cores at all, that little thing is punching well above it's class. Mind, it's still an entry level CPU so don't expect miracles.
If you're not going to play anything more demanding than Factorio or NBA or a similar sports game, and if you're not rendering or doing AI training, you probably don't need anything more than the i3 12100.
The 14th gen over the 13th, that is a minor improvement. 14th still outperforms 12th in every category. But it's improvement over the 13th is very minor. The only exception is the i7 13700K (which is rubbish) gets a proper update in the 14700K.
The 14700K may be the king of the 14th generation.
You dodged a bullet though, that is true. But you're mistaken about performance and about cooling. the 13s adn 14s are more efficient. It's the 12700K that runs hottest OR AT LEAST IT WOULD BE if we weren't in this mess with intels being "intelligently" overclocked *sigh*