I would like to know what is the best graphics card I can put in my Intel motherboard which is a D925CVLK with Intel chipset 925 X.
800 MHz Front Side Bus. Expansion Slots are PCI Express x16 x 1 • PCI Express x1 x 1 • PCI x 4.
Now I am going to get real. I don't know much about computers so I my not have told you everything you need to know to make a determination. I apologize if I gave you more than you need to know. I just want the best graphics card that I can use in this motherboard for the sole purpose of running flight simulator 2004 (a century of flight). I had FSX but soon realized that I would need a complete new system. Right about know you are asking, (What do you want to spend?) Well the answer is simple, Whatever it cost. I heard that I could use a PCI express 2.0 but wouldn't get the full effects of the graphics since I have 1.0. So lets not go there if this is true. Thank a million for your help!
800 MHz Front Side Bus. Expansion Slots are PCI Express x16 x 1 • PCI Express x1 x 1 • PCI x 4.
Now I am going to get real. I don't know much about computers so I my not have told you everything you need to know to make a determination. I apologize if I gave you more than you need to know. I just want the best graphics card that I can use in this motherboard for the sole purpose of running flight simulator 2004 (a century of flight). I had FSX but soon realized that I would need a complete new system. Right about know you are asking, (What do you want to spend?) Well the answer is simple, Whatever it cost. I heard that I could use a PCI express 2.0 but wouldn't get the full effects of the graphics since I have 1.0. So lets not go there if this is true. Thank a million for your help!