... i didn't want to get dragged into an internet debate; i think most of us know how they usually go. But since i was dragged in by discriminitory generalizations ...
you sound like Christian-folk referencing the Bible, then interpreting it to mean whatever you want(and then trying to declare the conversation over).
My intention is not to start a religious discussion (though, if you have any questions you would like to discuss privately, i'm open), but just like any group containing billions of people, there are those who fit the accusation, and those who don't.
But more to the point of the story ... i can't believe i missed 2009 ... wait, it's not 2010 yet, but i just read it's not 2009 either ... how DOES that work??? Fyi, january 1, 2011 0:00:01 is not when 2011 ends.
And finally, the announcement and the article you read referencing the announcement both state:
Intel said that production chips using the 22nm process should be ready for the second half of 2011.
Interestingly enough, in that cut and paste, i don't even see the word "by".
gotta love internet arguements.
Just another one of those "Christian-folks" twisting the story to their liking,