[citation][nom]alidan[/nom]cpu alone, this is kind of pathetic, when they were spouting off 33% and they didnt come close even in the best benchmarks for them, im completely disregarding the gpu, as its inconsequential to anyone who would really use it, as they have a real gpu or a pro line. its nice that its progressthere may be a great deal of overclocking (remember trigate is new, may not be very ocable)i want to see a single thread bench, multi core bench, a program made for multi thread and compare it to a bulldozer, if intel didnt drop single core preformance, thats great, but i want to see how close the bulldozer can come to it.[/citation]
?? Who is "they" and where's the link?
Maybe you confused AMD's Bulldozer "spouting off" with Intel's IB slides.. 😛