Ive been wanting to build a home nas and to save money i planned on building it myself. A lot of people recommended using ECC memory so i decided im going to get a xeon X3430 but cant find supported motherboards. most people say that most p55 and h55 mobo's will work so wuld this one be ok? https://www.ebay.com/itm/ASUS-P7H55-M-BM5275-Motherboard-ATX-Socket-LGA1156-DDR3-32GB-I-O-Shield-Tested/263623253929?hash=item3d612b9fa9:g:Ri0AAOSwl4Va2uh2 or is there another one around the same price that will work or a cheap or one for the same price that would with ecc memory like this one https://www.ebay.com/itm/Dell-PowerEdge-T310-Motherboard-2P9X9-LGA-1156-Socket-H-DDR3-with-Xeon-X3450/173273324212?epid=24011369423&hash=item2857e51ab4:g:2bMAAOSw0qVansqo