I bought this Wifi Adapter about 2 months ago and has been causing problems ever since although now its reached a tipping point.
It started off with really stable ping and Download speed but has now progressed to an unstable and slow mess.
I have uninstalled the drivers and reinstalled them multiple times and it has stopped fixing the issue.
I have no access to the router as i am in a dorm and the issue is not the router because there are multiple hotspots in my area and my laptop is fine with them, its just my main pc which has the issue.
It started off with really stable ping and Download speed but has now progressed to an unstable and slow mess.
I have uninstalled the drivers and reinstalled them multiple times and it has stopped fixing the issue.
I have no access to the router as i am in a dorm and the issue is not the router because there are multiple hotspots in my area and my laptop is fine with them, its just my main pc which has the issue.