Question Internet Speed Loss

Jul 16, 2024
I had reset my computer to free up my hard drive and rebuild a more organized folder system, but I have realized now that my download speeds and in game connection has drastically decreased on multiple platforms such as Steam and Ubisoft where my download speed usually ended up in the 40-60 MB/s range but are now in the 0-20 MB/s range and I cannot find any solutions for the problems anywhere online.
So you practically re-installed the OS and everything else ?

Given the generic description here, there is some possible causes that have this effect
  • Some open network port or router setting that is specific for only one particular ip or computer name are not working.
  • Network card driver or settings (typically use 2.4GHz instead of 5)
  • Introduced a bottleneck to the storage device, maybe it's very little free space (this is less likely).
  • Some other changes to the network or use of it not mention.

Forgot to mention: Please list the hardware specs, and question - Built yourself or purchased ?