[citation][nom]invlem[/nom]Apple has always made significant margins on their products, why should they lower the price if people are happy to buy it regardless? Just good business.[/citation]
You still have to account for the expenses that each Apple store has, the margins other retailers make assuming it's not sold in Apple stores, distribution costs, advertisements, and dividends. That's about the same margin as the Surface.
[citation][nom]esrever[/nom]The title of the article should be "Ipad mini should cost $199".[/citation]
Then everyone would buy one, and no one can complain about Apple. That's no fun.
[citation][nom]ipwn3r456[/nom]Better price than the iPhone... the iPhone can be build around the same price as the iPad mini, but they charge it so much.[/citation]
R&D and different materials used. The iPhone design from an iPhone 3GS to 4, or 4S to 5 requires a lot more brainpower than compared to an iPad 3 to an iPad mini since it's basically using the same design, only smaller much like the iPod touch.