Iron man not lunching at xp


Apr 26, 2011
hi i have problem with iron man pc game i have installed my game and when i going to lunch the game
(with correct monitor resolution ) then my monitor got freezes with black sreen and then nothing happensso i have to shut down my pc.
operating system =xp
pentium(r)dual core cpu
e5500@2.8ghz,,,2 gb ram
i have update my all driver and i havenot any problem with any direct x. i have direct x version =9x
waiting for your replay
i tried but nothing happen when i poressed window key nothing hapopen but i am sure i i pressed this key then my
pointer(mouse) changes to hand pointer thats means something going in background but unable to see in my screen
please do something..
What video card are you using specify that, if you are trying to run that game on any intel based IGP and on old system then it is obvious.
By the way in my view you are lucky that you are not able to play this game, cause this game can turn you mad!!!! 😀
thanks to all my game is running....but i have an another problem my games cut scene buffer alot(video before staring the main game) but main game play is ok
so help please...
game video scenes if laggs then it all means that your video card or IGP whatever your using is not capable for running those videos properly. The gameplay is different from these videos as these videos are at the best quality they and these video will play at highest quality only.