Is +20Mhz a good overclock? how many MHZ should i add?


Feb 18, 2016
Hey Guys, i have an old HD6970 2GB, i know, it's old, but still holds up VERY well (better than current gen consoles) i'm thinking about overlocking it, i have 900Mhz on Core Clock and 1375Mhz on Memory Clock, will +20Mhz on each make a difference? how many Mhz should i add for each to get like 5~10frames more?
That card doesn't usually yield great overclocking results, especially if it has a reference cooler. In general, ATI cards are not the best to overclock and their heat output will quickly spike even with such a small overclock.
Well looking at it proportionately that's just a 2% increase in performance, so in game that wouldn't be noticeable at all. Depending on your settings and the normal amount of frames you get 5-10 frames could be from +50 mhz to +500 mhz.