[SOLVED] Is freesync activated through Radeon Settings or monitor OSD... or could it be both?


May 22, 2013
Hi everyone. Thanks for taking the time to check on my issue.

Let me explain my concern a bit. Situation is that I have been having numerous issues ever since getting a passed down rx 580 8gb. I know the card is in great condition as installing ONLY the drivers and without Radeon software does not give me ANY issue at all. It is when I install it that I get annoyances. Some of the problems I get are:

-random fps drops in Overwatch. (from 160fps down to like 40 in a split second)
-black flickering in Blue stacks. (reaches up to like 5 times a minute)
-occasional driver/radeon software crashes on start up. (garbage display for a few sec, then it recovers like nothing happened. checked this in event viewer.

My main concern is that if I install the drivers bareback, would I be still able to use Fsync by turning it on the OSD of my display (Viewsonic XG2401) or is Radeon software an absolute must?

Before anyone asks, I also tried using a different 144hz display fsync capable, Display port cables, using other refresh rates like 60, 75, 120 and of course clean uninstall with DDU and reinstalling driver + radeon settings. I even did clean windows 10 installs in both testing with different monitors. I still get the same crap after everything. It only gets resolved by installing the drivers alone. (which i intend to keep as it is most hassle free.)

quick spec:
i5 8500
2x8 2133mhz ram
rx 580 8gb strix

Viewsonic XG2401


May 22, 2013
Probably a PSU issue I would think what is your PSU make and age

hi there. my psu is a seasonic m12 bronze 520w modular, about 5 years old. I forgot to mention that i also tried another seasonic psu. i forget the rating but it was a gold rated psu. Same problems occur, sadly. It was a rather stressful almost whole month of testing and troubleshooting.