Is global warming running out of letters?

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Heres there predictions, influenced by you know what
The winter here was average, the spring has been much colder.
This includes much of the midwest and mountain states, as well as the southern plains.
Precip was the exact opposite of their predictions as well.

As for Asia, winter was cold, very cold, and too much snow, as for spring, so far, cold and wayyyy too much snow.

Europe was also caught up in this, but, this is only happening where?
The drought has taken a huge hit, is ended in many places, from Georgia to North dakota, down into Kansas, with many other places no longer in the higher drought category.
The lead themselves into this, with their beliefs, if they have any sense, theyll start looking around a bit
OK, catching up here.
Old proof tornadoes are caused by climate change:
1975 : Tornado Outbreaks Blamed On Global Cooling
Posted on May 21, 2013 by stevengoddard

Notice the old line speak/hippy speak/warnings/too many people/the world cant keep up/the sky is falling liberal crap?
Well since it didnt get colder, nor hotter for the last 15 years or so, they changed tact and went for global warming instead, to gain control of the weak minded.
So now its global warming, tho, they may be buying time, as seen here:

Its a position some elected officials have taken up, gained monies and more power and the old hippy speak is the only thing that hasnt changed.

If those who want to scream global warming over this tornado, I will remind them of this:
The Tri-State Tornado of 1925--which traveled 219 miles, spent more than three hours on the ground, devastated 164 square miles, had a diameter of more than a mile, and traveled at speeds in excess of 70 mph--is unsurpassed in U.S. history.

So again, for those who dont mind getting lied to, heres some truth to break up your day
This is the same pattern we had in the fifties.
Temps make little difference on land, as they arent the drivers for this.
Granted, you need huge masses of cold air, which is what we have, and out cool spring is not a warming scenario, but blocking events happen, always have.
The claims of drought are all over, no more drought.
Cool spring.

15 years no real temp changes, even by the new standards taken up.
Now, this year is actually reversing the trend
In case you didnt read it all:
Climatologists were afraid governments wouldnt react, and the possible covering of the arctic snow pack with black soot to melt it might cause more problems than it solves according to them, but doom and gloom was there, in every sentence.
Im telling you, its always been here, theyre like barkers at the Carny, get too close and you just may start listening to them, next thing you know, youve been parted from your time and your money.
Columbia Uni was using satellite info back then as well, which is telling.
Hate to say it, but the hippies have targeted the left, and some are taking it lock stock and are trying to get us over a barrel, since we cant drill our way out, which also has been disproven.
So what about the fact that CO2 broke the 400ppm barrier, which is most likely higher than its been in 2-10 million years? What about the fact that its growing at 100 times the rate it did at the end of the last ice age? You continue to look at individual aspects without looking at the whole picture. You look for these individual facts to support your viewpoint instead of looking at the all the fact to form a viewpoint, this is a fallacy.
What about the fact the claims made of CO2 in our atmosphere havnt come to fruition?
There are other studies showing theres a topping point not a tipping point.
In other words, the effect ends at a certain point.
And of course the claims as to its being exact in the past as to amounts are close guesses nothing more.
Add in everything else than been considered by others, but disdained by those who cling to the CO2 scenario, which simply isnt working out.
There may be a multitude of reasons for cause and effect, and I see the claims made, the failures to produce, the omission of other data and to its usefulness nothing more than zealotry gone wrong here.
Its had its effect, the CO2, but will gain nothing more.
I will try to find the studies showing so, which was done in a controlled experiment.

Add to this the info I provided here, where many believe the difference in our oceans temps are causing what we are seeing now, tho til now, it was too cold to have such tornadoes, and its temp contrast, not simply hotter, as some might believe, but was also criticized by my BBC link.

Theyre running out of letters and time and the very ability to predict what may happen next.
Its more an agenda than fact finding, especially ignoring all the other infos out there, by those who arent "let in".
Surely not radical enough by those who adopted this from the beginning
No, it shows an entire planet that isnt this one.
This is another simple convenient truth they tell, which has no bearing whatsoever with us.
But, if you ignore what the sun does, what cosmic rays do, solar winds et al, thn yes, some would think its somehow related, moreso than the facts.

We have no idea why this happened, if it did at all.
Show me a picture of impact craters on Venus first, just for starters.
Show me the intensity of solar winds, a van allen belt, the solar effects day to day.
An apple is not an orange.

Show me the tidal effects from the sun on its surface, its core.

No, topping has been shown it occurs, and a theory is something with something else missing, or wrong.
Since they wont add anything more......?
Obviously its not earth, but you can still look at it when observing runaway greenhouse gases. It would be dishonest to not look at it, i'm not saying its going to happen the same way. Venus gets double the amount of solar energy that we do. I'm just in the habit of looking at the whole picture, looking at all the empirical evidence that I can find to make an informed decision.
Me too.
I just wish some were more open minded about it all.
So far, we have seen no further rise in the last 15 years, this year appears to be heading in the other direction, and just taking 30 years of data to make a point of certainty is insane IMO, without including other possible helpers if you will.
My link shows the prior 30 odd years of the exact opposite, and they thought we were heading into a mini ice age.

After reading this link

I see rapid fanaticism
JDJ its obvious that your not looking at the entire picture when part of your argument includes that this year appears to be heading in the other direction. You have to look at temperature as a whole throughout the planet.

You don't even have to look at all the arguments towards the bottom of the page, just look at the graph and tell me we don't have a problem.
Firstly, the Hawaii station is flawed or posssibly so, since the location of the current readings has changed, and theyre not sure about the readings due to the nearby volcano .
Secondly, one word, algorithm.
To double effect, one has to double amount, and since according to them, we are at 400, in order for a higher climb, adding little more than 10% is 40 ppm, not much gain there.
The perceived tipping point is just that, another theory that requires faith in hoping to find the missing pieces, many of which are ignored or downplayed by them.
They are their own worst enemy, they cling to...not guns and bibles but this CO2 certainty, yet ignore basic math, and theorize away, with only their faith leading them on
That’s not to say the snow was welcome on Memorial Day weekend. It’s toppling trees as the snow accumulates on leaves, and there have been a few scattered power failures reported.

Snow has been reported at most elevations above 1,000 feet, but didn’t accumulate much until you get a little closer to 1,500 or 2,000 feet.

I think it’s time for the precipitation to stop. Burlington received seven inches of rain in the five days through Saturday. That’s normally the amount that falls over two months.

Not including whatever rainfall has come so far this Sunday, Burlington has had 7.74 inches of rain this month. That’s enough to make this month the second wettest May on record, after the 8.67 inches in May, 2011, that epic spring of huge flooding in Vermont.

The cold is another bizarre story. It only got up to 46 degrees in Burlington Saturday, setting a record for the date for the lowest maximum temperature. The old record was 51 degrees.

Snowfall at several towns around 1,500 feet in elevation amounted to 2 or 3 inches. That’s incredible for Memorial Day weekend in Vermont.

Enjoy mingo

PS I hope youre a skier
Yes, the drought and the heat are terrible this year.
The tornado count is fantastic in numbers, and we predict tons of hurricanes too.
Mainly cause, hurricane season hasnt started yet.

I guess they might have to expand the meaning of global warming, man made global warming, climate change, man made climate change.
How about man made up climate change?
Face it guys ... even the Ruskies have accepted that global warming is a fact and are now in the process of abandoning their Artic base next to Canada.

Maybe the reactor they use to power all of their toasters, popcorn machines and Jaffle irons there is melting through the ice ...