Is GTX 760 a high end graphic card?


Nov 21, 2014
Is gtx 760 a good gaming card. Will it be good for gaming in future (in ultra settings)?? I am planing on buying it. Will it run all new games now and in the comming years?
no it will not do ultra settings even for todays games. you can say it is a upper-midrange card

if you want a high end card go for the gtx 970

paired with a good CPU , you can do ultra for the next year/year and a half @1080p , then it will be a mix of high and ultra

PS- there is no guarantee in the field of technology , so 😛
Any gpu with less power than a console can hardly be called entry level. 750ti great card for dx9 and older titles but it just lags behinds these days. Sure you can play BF4 with it but your frame time is crap and that will leave your kdr negative in a first person shooter.
Better yet, why not just buy a 770? It's between the performance of the 760, 780, and 970. Better than the 760, oftentimes by a good 15-20 or so frames in games depending on the game. Not as powerful as the 780 or 970 but not by a terrible amount. And it's cheaper! You can get one for around $250 on eBay and I'm talking about the 4GB versions. The 2GB versions are cheaper.
For awhile yes, probably another year and a half but you never can be for sure. I bought my 770 4GB early this past summer, I believe in June. I had my doubts about the 770 performing with all the upcoming next-gen games coming out and how it would handle. My worries are no more, it can handle any game at 1080p up to this day. Every single game I play, tweaked ultra with 55 fps or higher on average. This includes Watch Dogs, Shadow of Mordor, Dragon Age Inquisition, and Assassin's Creed Unity. The only game out of those four where it wavers a decent amount under 50 is Unity but that game has a lot of technical issues and it doesn't really matter what GPU you have for that game, the performance will still be less than desirable.
Yes, your motherboard and CPU are compatible with the 770. Also, jeffredo, the 770 4GB is what were are suggesting HSNTEJ purchase instead of the 760 4GB which is moderately less powerful. I would say, from both personal experience and from other user reviews, that you should most definitely buy the 770 4GB. And when the time does come to upgrade in a year and a half or so you could always purchase another 770 put it in SLI with your other. But don't worry about that, it'll be awhile before that is necessary.

Why? A GTX 770 4GB costs as much or more than a GTX 970 (which is about 15-20% faster).
People are overly concerned about "Bottlenecks" when the truth of the matter is with any given CPU/GPU combination*, AAA Game #1 will suffer a severe CPU bottleneck while AAA Game #2 will suffer a severe GPU bottleneck. The idea is to create a balanced system given your budget. In your case, the GTX760 is paired nicely with your core i3 2120.

-Wolf sends

* - Obviously, high-end systems still suffer bottlenecks, but they are less noticeable as neither component is likely running at full capacity.
To what extent will the gtx 780 bottleneck my system ?? Considering I do not play online games.. will it be noticable in games like assassins creed unity, far cry 4 and batman arkham knight??