Is iBuypower/CyberpowerPC a trustworthy company?

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Feb 9, 2015
Hello everyone i am looking to buy a new gaming PC and i am confused if I should buy a desktop from iBuypower/CyberpowerPC. I know it is much cheaper to build my own PC, but it is way too much time consuming for me and i would rather buy a customized one. iBuypower/CyberpowerPC have the config i need with some small tweaks but i have read mixed reviews about both these companies. If someone could please tell me how their experience was with either of these companies it would help me a lot in deciding.

thank you very much
Hey Sidynallu!

There's been reviews on both sides of the spectrum about us. Its unfortunate that people's experiences vary, but I can definitely tell you that failures in our systems are in the minority percentages. I spent time looking at this issue and it's difficult to avoid problems with PC components (For every xxx amount of PCs we sell, there always a dud and we sell huge volumes of PCs).

However, if you check out our Twitter @ibuypower, you'll see tons of happy customers (more so than unhappy customers). Also, iBUYPOWER is a separate company from CyberPower PC (Yeah, we get that alot).

If you need any help with your PC purchase, just let us know or if you would like to talk to someone directly you can call us at (888) 462-3899.

Happy gaming!
although you can't customize the pc as completely as you can by building it yourself, these are pretty good alternatives if you chose to go pre-built. on average there is about a $150 cost above building it yourself, which is not that bad if you consider they build it, get it running and then support it.

i charge $100 for this same service and do not deal anywhere near the same volume they do. as the rep says, there is ALWAYS going to be someone who is unhappy with anything bought and sold. the issue is how does the company deal with the problem and from what i have seen, both of these companies deals with issues in a timely and positive manner.

i have not actually had any issues with either site but a few i know of that did have trouble were satisfied with the service they got. i always prefer to build it myself but if that is out, then these are 2 good options. keep an eye on the sales and such and at the higher budget pc's you can almost wipe out the extra and get something close to what it would cost you to build.

Thank for your reply i decided to build my own as a friend offered to help 😀

Thank for your reply i decided to build my own as a friend offered to help 😀
my ibuypower pc did fine for a couple months and the heating went completly insane one night resulting in me having to buy more fans as something went wrong with the liquid cooler
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