Question Is it a normal temp or my laptop is thermal throttling?

May 25, 2024
Hi guys
My laptop, a Ryzen 5 5600H and a RTX 3050 (75 Watts) is exactly a year old as of now.
I wonder if its thermal throttling, i keep it on a desk and has regular cleaned its fans and cooling fins by opening the back panels regularly.
From what I can gather from HWinfo, My CPU (Tctl/Tdie) runs at 100.4 *C in gaming sessions and my GPU at 86 *C, it has been the same since day 1 to this day, as once my GPU reaches 86, it throttles down 1-2 watts but never goes below it, with a room temp of 31 *C and my CPU stays at 100.4 *C and CPU SoC is at 83 *C and wattage at 27W with 90% utilisation
So is it a normal behaviour for a laptop or it isnt ?
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