Is it illegal to change the hwid?

Jul 31, 2018
Hello dudes! I don't have any problems ( ban or else ) with the hwid. But I just wanted to know more stuff about PCs and stuff. Is it illegal to change the hwid ( via regedit or whatever you want )?
I can't think of any legit reason to want/need to modify your HWID.

You can attempt to 'spoof' it, but as far as permanently changing it, no it cannot be done AFAIK.

Is it "illegal" though? I can't imagine you could be arrested for it, so no, it's probably not "illegal". It is likely against the EULA of most programs/OS though.

"illegal", as in getting hauled off to jail, probably not.

Against some TOS or EULA, probably.
The depends on which part you wish to change, and why you wish to change it.