In many cases you are very lucky if you can even display things like EARFCN or other detailed data about how data is being transmitted to you. It all depends on the device and partially if the provider allows you to access things.
It is highly unlikely you can set anything. The ISP is in full control of your modem even if you own it. Even a cell phone radio is totally controlled by the provider. They using whatever methods they have developed try to pick the best combination of radio frequencies and channels. Unfortunately they look at their network as a whole and will give some people less than optimum performance so they can provide service to other customers. It is not uncommon for them to push users to less used cell towers even if they are somewhat slower to avoid congestion on other towers.
Best thing is to try to place the modem in a window on the side of the house nearest the tower. If this is a way to see technical information in your router you likely can see the signal strength. It should help you to pick the optimum location for your router.
Depending on the router you might also be able to use external antenna. Some tiny number of routers have external antenna connectors and others you can disassemble the box and connect other antenna in place of the internal antenna. Note this is very much in the grey area of being legal. In the USA the law says if the provider allows it but even if they say you can do it they will never give you any paper work so you are always going to be in violation of the laws even if you don't cause problems for other users. Other countries it depend but you can generally get what is called a log-periodic antenna. Many times for LTE you need pairs so you can run mimo.