Question is it safe to mount the R9 280x toxic tri-x cooler on a blower style R9 290 pcb ?

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Jun 4, 2024
as I was suffering from real high temperatures using the R9 290, I went ahead and got a R9 280x (mostly broken) toxic tri-x and I want to mount its cooler on the R9 290, now while not realizing before purchasing the R9 280x the gpu die on both gpus are kind of different, one is rotated 45° and the thing is, even the shape on the R9 280x heatsink there’s this thing :

and here’s the R9 290 pcb:

now my question is: is it safe to mount the tri-x cooler on the R9 290 pcb ????
Welcome to the forums, newcomer!

You might want to mention the make and model of the R9 280 with the blower style cooler. As for the angled GPU die, does the part that needs to make contact with the GPU die line up? Does the cooler sit flush with the PCB? If not, then you should forgo the transplant.

If I were you, I'd have looked into a cooling solution from Arctic or RaijinTek. Since Arctic's solutions are EoL, you should look for them on platform's like Ebay.
As near as I can tell they just used the same cooler for both 280x and 290(x), with additional memory pads being the only difference. And the PCB for the reference card doesn't look that different either. As long as the components toward the rear of the card clear the heatsink and the holes line up, all you really need is some extra thermal pads.
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