Question Is it safe to remove my B550-A's chipset heatsink to be able to fit my 2080TI with an after market cooler?

Sep 15, 2023
Hi everyone.
I recently got an ASUS Rog Strix B550-A motherboard and a Kediers C590 ATX case to replace my previous mini ATX.

I have an RTX 2080Ti which has an after market cooler that is *big*, so big in fact that:

1. I can't insert the GPU in the top PCIe slot because it collides with the memory
2. I can kind of insert it into the bottom PCIe slot, but this causes it to almost contact with the motherboard's chipset heatsink. I can't really feel it "click" all the way though.

Due to this the QLED on the motherboard is signaling some kinda of VGA error.

I've tried a different, smaller GPU (1650 Super) and it worked without any issues.

Can I remove this heatsink without causing damage to the motherboard? The case has 9 fans preinstalled so there should be plenty of airflow.

P.S. Not sure I'm doing the images correctly, here's an album link just in case: View:
Considering the B550 chipset in my board runs in the mid-50's C during certain activities with a good heatsink on it I'd suggest not running it with no heatsink at all.

Could you trim it some so that the GPU heatsink clears? Cutting aluminum is pretty easy with a hack saw and/or Dremel. That way it has at least some cooling on it. If you don't want to trim the motherboard's custom heatsink you might also buy a generic one and trim it as needed. Attaching it could be simply creative use of zip lock tie-straps.
1. I can't insert the GPU in the top PCIe slot because it collides with the memory
2. I can kind of insert it into the bottom PCIe slot, but this causes it to almost contact with the motherboard's chipset heatsink. I can't really feel it "click" all the way though.
Use PCIE riser cable and install graphics card vertically.
Can I remove this heatsink without causing damage to the motherboard?
No. You can not.
Chipset will overheat and motherboard will die.