i play some games using vpn. but i always turn off the vpn when i do online shopping/banking etc from my pc. Can the vpn steal my credentials though it's turned off during my using of credentials on web or on windows or on any other app?"safe" is relative. as a free service, they will be keeping logs and other personal info to sell. that's how they'll make money.
whether this is ok or not for you depends on why/what you are using the vpn for. it will be easy to identify your traffic if they want to. if this is not a problem, then the service is fine for you. if you don't want them to be able to do this, then you'll want a pay service that does not keep logs. however, we are seeing that the ones that claim to keep no logs actually do. so really if you want totally no logs, you'll have to host your own vpn in the cloud somewhere.
so really, the question is, why do you wish to use a vpn? what do you hope it accomplishes for you?
there is not actually a lot of data it can steal. if you are using https, then they might know you have visited your banking site, but nothing else. https is the padlock displayed by the url in most browsers. its commonplace and every bank will use it. the only data they can steal is unencrypted data, like basic tcp or udp traffic from games or things that dont use https. you could even use a a secure dns server, and they it would be hard for them even to know what sites you have visited.
tcpvpn.com has no app for vpn. i use opensource openvpn. that app is safe. tcpvpn.com provides confige file which can be opened by notepad and contains settings to connect their vpn server, i just have to manually copy paste that file in openvpn directory. now i was wondering-It all depends on how this is implemented. If you must install their vpn client you are at there mercy. There program can do anything it wants. What you see on many of these free services is they force ads into the browser. Some very dishonest ones got cuaght running a bitcoin miner....of course they claimed you agreed to in the fine print.
It all depends on the service and how they make their money. Some of the so called free vpn services limit the speed so much it is almost unusable. They are bait and switch trying to force you to buy their upgraded packages which many times are more expensive than if you just went to one of the larger services that tell you up front you have to pay.
thanks, btw i'm using Cloudflare DNS and , is it secure enough?if you are just getting an openvpn config file, then there is nothing they can do on your pc. just use a known safe client, like openvpn connect, and use it. just remember to not put detail in on sites that dont have the padlock
thanksthey claim to not sell your info, so if you believe them, then it's not a bad thing. encrypted dns is nice as well since it hides the request from everyone but the other end of the connection. this keeps anyone from listening in like your isp and others always do.
here's a good write up on dns fro cloudfair. worth reading so you understand what/how dns can be spyed on and other basic info about how dns works.
DNS Encryption Explained
Just as the web moved from unencrypted HTTP to encrypted HTTPS there are now upgrades to the DNS protocol that encrypt DNS itself.blog.cloudflare.com