Is it time to upgrade? Frustrated!


Feb 23, 2011
I'm having issues with a computer I built in 2011. I had just replaced my 580 with the 970 which now seems unnecessary as im still crashing in certain games. Crashing where my computer just restarts. I ran a memtest on this last year and didnt have any issues, but not sure if I ran it enough. Also ran gpu tests and that was fine. Im okay with upgrading my PC, but if I could just find that one problem thats causing hangups where my comp freezes for minutes at a time I'd rather do that. My guess is there is problems with my first gen Mobo and SSD acting up. I've always had double boots, slow boots and startup with mild hangups. But now it crashes when I want to game, not all games, League of Legends is the only one not crashing. CS:GO, GTA V crash. Any advice guys? Thanks!

2011 Built with recent GTX 970 Upgrade

PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

CPU: Intel Core i7-2600K 3.4GHz Quad-Core Processor
CPU Cooler: Corsair H60 54.0 CFM Liquid CPU Cooler ($79.98 @ DirectCanada)
Motherboard: Asus P8P67 PRO (REV 3.0) ATX LGA1155 Motherboard
Memory: G.Skill Ripjaws X Series 16GB (4 x 4GB) DDR3-1866 Memory ($148.98 @ Newegg Canada)
Storage: Crucial RealSSD C300 128GB 2.5" Solid State Drive
Video Card: MSI GeForce GTX 970 4GB Twin Frozr V Video Card ($429.99 @ NCIX)
Case: Cooler Master HAF 932 Advanced ATX Full Tower Case ($190.06 @ DirectCanada)
Power Supply: Corsair Professional 850W 80+ Gold Certified Semi-Modular ATX Power Supply ($199.99 @ NCIX)

This seems like a power supply problem right off of the bat.

Again this seems like the power supply.

This seems like a power supply problem right off of the bat.

Again this seems like the power supply.

While it could be your motherboard or SSD causing the problem a few quick tests such as the one you've done with Memtest and Crystaldisk will test those. I would first look at your power supply.

Okay so you recommend I run memtest and crystaldisk test?
For the RAM, test one module at a time with XMP enabled to see if one performs differently. You can also run a stress test like Prime95 to see if you encounter any issues. This can also help check off whether the CPU/memory or other hardware is defective.

For the SSD, do you have a monitor utility? Check for errors. If the core hardware above like CPU/RAM is testing fine, then you may need to consider refreshing the SSD from a clean wipe

Power Supply is a potential culprit considering the random shut down with no BSOD or anything, but the only way to test that is with another. same with motherboard, so we save these til we check what we can first.

I dont get any error codes. BlueScreenView is Blank. I'm not overclocking. I believe I updated the bios last summer, I can check. drivers, not sure which you could mean other than GPU, which I just installed and it works great.
my brother had the same 67 mobo. IT IS SLOW... not in a bad way but its like black and white when you move to the next board up like i said z77 is best for you CPU and it supports everything for years to com including PCI e 3 and lots of usb'3s SLI if need be later and you can update you cpu but a 2600 at 3,4 is actually pretty good you even go further with the new board and better oc settings

Yeah I'll run Primer95 tonight. Are you saying to run each by itself or there is a setting to test individually?

Yeah totally. but if I'm replacing my Mobo I gotta reinstall the whole system and I might as well just rebuild. dont you think?

I do feel the MOBO is a major issue and always has been, not sure how well the SSD has been can never tell, but the MOBO has really made me think twice about ASUS I hate to say.
Only have one module installed. There is no setting. Doing this will tell you whether it is a problem with the RAM/mobo, and if so, which module may be causing a problem. When you isolate memory modules, the issue can become even more apparent if it originates from the RAM. If it's not the RAM, then everything will just seem normal with each stick.

Absolutely, but I'd like to fix this issue if possible and keep for a lil longer. I do alot of rendering and this machine does well for the most part.
Apparently this motherboard is a spot for concern for many but if you by chance have another PSU to check with you certainly should because the problem you are describing does sound like a power supply problem as well. If it isn't easy or if you don't have another one around then the motherboard seems to be the most popular answer so go with it first, but I do think the power supply is a reasonable suspect even though it is a reputable unit.

agreed. but its one of those things where i would need to go buy the parts and test. I dont just like most ppl have tons of resources to run countless tests.

best way to test for power supply is to try another one?
yes best way to test you power suply is to try another one and see if you and recreat the crashing that it did with the first one, howerver dont go get a 200watt power supply and try it out it would have to be a comparible one with at least 550 watt!
so far everything you tested is fine? as far as i can see.. 81C on a HDD is high but i do guess you are testing it, do you have ventilation in your system? i see you have a water cooling for CPU but system still needs fans specially in summer.

anyways before i pass out i figure yes you could buy a whole new system which will cost you at minimum like 400-500 for new CPU, and mobo, or you buy your self a new mobo and keep using everything else you have, like i said a Z77 mobo from msi, or asus, or gigabyte , would probably solve your problem and your increase you speed overall just because of the new chip set, and you would spend 100$ at amazon or newegg and call it a day and be happy for another 2 years until you decide to upgrade your entire system. with new everything. and installing(maybe even just repairing (5min)) windows takes 20 min nowadays and all you data will as far as you dont format the drive will still be right where you left it.

good advice