Question Is it worth to pay to have GPU fixed?

Feb 2, 2020
I have a Asus Turbo GTX 1070 8gb, that is blacking out once and a while. All software and drivers up to date. If Asus won't do Warranty work, think I'd save more paying to have fixed, than replaced?
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I don't think there is anyway to pay someone to fix a graphics card. Graphics card are difficult to fix and the only option really it to sell it for parts or sell it to someone that is willing to take the risk and fix it themself.
I don't think there is anyway to pay someone to fix a graphics card. Graphics card are difficult to fix and the only option really it to sell it for parts or sell it to someone that is willing to take the risk and fix it themself.

Really??? I heard that Asus in Markham, Ontario has a walk-in repair shop. I was trying to see if worth spending the money, maybe find out if anyone else has have it.
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Have they diagnosed it and given you a written estimate?

Not yet, still waiting to see if they are going to do it under warranty still, or not. Plus I'm waiting on a new PSU, my old has some ware on the wiring, so I think it may be a part of the problem. But gathering some information in the mean time. Thanks.
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Soooo, results are in, mailed GPU to Asus for $14.00. They had for it 3 days. Since it was under warranty and they discovered an issue with the 3D rendering, as per their RMA policy, they swap for a new one, instead of repair. So I'm very pleased with Asus and how quick the turn over was for Warranty RMA.