[SOLVED] Is it worth upgrading from an i5 8600k to an i7 9700k?


May 10, 2019
Hi everyone!

Right now I have the intel core i5 8600k CPU with an RTX 2070 SUPER and 32 GB RAM. I was thinking of upgrading my CPU to an i7 9700k. I whant to be able to play VR, especially boneworks. Right now, I can ply it pretty fine but with the lowest settings and still get some major frame drops. I also whant to be able to play something like cyberpunk with good fps. I have also heard that intel is better for VR, but i'm not sure.

So, is it worth upgraiding to an i7 9700k? The i9 is a bit too expensice for me, and if i swith to ryzen it may get even more expensive. But what do you guys think? Thanks in advance!
I dont really know about the thread limited thing, but thanks for the info anyways!
So the 8600K is a 6 core/6 thread(also called logical processors) processor: https://ark.intel.com/content/www/u...-8600k-processor-9m-cache-up-to-4-30-ghz.html
The 9700K is also a non-hyperthreaded cpu, at 8 cores/8 threads.
The 9900K is hyperthreaded - 8 cores/16 threads.

Some of the more recent titles - for example, Fortnite, COD, Assassins Creed - can use UP TO 6-8 processors.
That's where the 8600K can be a limitation when min-maxing performance in game - I'm not at all saying the games won't be playable. The fps minimums should be a little higher with the 9700K.

It wasn't my intention to cause any...
I would certainly consider it a reasonable upgrade and you should be able to sell the old CPU on eBay to help cover the cost.

edit: a quick check shows your used CPU goes for around $95-150+ on eBay and it helps if you have the old box.
Tank you so much! Sadly I don't have the box but I have a few friends who may need an upgrade 😉
I dont really know about the thread limited thing, but thanks for the info anyways!
So the 8600K is a 6 core/6 thread(also called logical processors) processor: https://ark.intel.com/content/www/u...-8600k-processor-9m-cache-up-to-4-30-ghz.html
The 9700K is also a non-hyperthreaded cpu, at 8 cores/8 threads.
The 9900K is hyperthreaded - 8 cores/16 threads.

Some of the more recent titles - for example, Fortnite, COD, Assassins Creed - can use UP TO 6-8 processors.
That's where the 8600K can be a limitation when min-maxing performance in game - I'm not at all saying the games won't be playable. The fps minimums should be a little higher with the 9700K.

It wasn't my intention to cause any confusion, sorry.
So the 8600K is a 6 core/6 thread(also called logical processors) processor: https://ark.intel.com/content/www/u...-8600k-processor-9m-cache-up-to-4-30-ghz.html
The 9700K is also a non-hyperthreaded cpu, at 8 cores/8 threads.
The 9900K is hyperthreaded - 8 cores/16 threads.

Some of the more recent titles - for example, Fortnite, COD, Assassins Creed - can use UP TO 6-8 processors.
That's where the 8600K can be a limitation when min-maxing performance in game - I'm not at all saying the games won't be playable. The fps minimums should be a little higher with the 9700K.

It wasn't my intention to cause any confusion, sorry.
No problem, thanks for explaining it to me :)
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