Question Is my motherboard broken?

Apr 9, 2019
I don't know if I'm at the right forum but I'm building my first PC. My Motherboard is the MSI B450M PRO-VDH. I've put in the CPU (Ryzen 5 2600) and its stock cooler, my graphics card and my DDR4 RAM. Then I've connected the powersupply with the motherboard and checked beforehand if the powersupply works (paperclip test activates powersupply fan). So Powersupply, CPU, fan, RAM and graphics card are in place but if I turn on the powersupply, nothing happens (not even the power supply fan).
I thought at least the powersupply fans would start but they didn't. So I checked the motherboard manual and found no answer. The EZ LED debug lights don't turn on (none of them).
The Fan pins are in, graphics card and CPU are connected to the power supply, HDMI Cable is connected with the graphics card.
Am I forgetting something or is my motherboard broken?

Edit: I use a 400W power supply, is this enough for booting?
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Thanks for your answer :)
Unfortunately I haven't found any power button on my motherboard
here is the manual if you can find it maybe?
Motherboards don't normally have power buttons on them. Is this motherboard installed in a case? Cases always have a power button with a cable that must be connected to two specific pins of the 9 front panel pins, which, on your motherboard, are on the bottom right. They are labelled "JFP1." The two pins in question are next to each other on the top right of these 9 pins, adjacent to the missing pin. Connect your power switch to those two pins or simply short them with a screwdriver or other metal object to turn the system on.
Motherboards don't normally have power buttons on them. Is this motherboard installed in a case? Cases always have a power button with a cable that must be connected to two specific pins of the 9 front panel pins, which, on your motherboard, are on the bottom right. They are labelled "JFP1." The two pins in question are next to each other on the top right of these 9 pins, adjacent to the missing pin. Connect your power switch to those two pins or simply short them with a screwdriver or other metal object to turn the system on.
It worked! I connected the JFP1 with my screwdriver and boom :). Thank you very much!!!